Six Flags Magic Mountain has permanently closed the Superman: Escape from Krypton shuttle roller coaster, citing its end of service life.
Read more from The Orange County Register.
Honestly, this isn't surprising. If I recall correctly, it hasn't operated consistently over the past several years. At this point, shutting it down seems like the logical next step.
The Blog
I never considered it a record-holder because it never seemed to reach to top of the spike.
It ran when I was there in June last year. Was still an absolute blast. The deafening roar of that car shooting across the park will certainly be missed. But ... Stuff happens. Old stuff goes away. I do have a bit of a soft spot for the ride having worked on its Aussie counterpart.
I wonder if Superman disappearing keeps Viper in the fold for a while longer.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
I’m glad I rode it but it wasn’t something I will miss, it was a product of its time. I’m very happy they are keeping the drop ride. That ride is amazing.
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I wonder if Superman disappearing keeps Viper in the fold for a while longer.
If so I'd say it's a worthy sacrifice.
With Superman, much like Kingda Ka, the drop rides added to the structures are the far superior rides. I will miss them more than the coasters.
No matter how tall or fast, it was never much of a ride. Still, they added those claustrophobic shoulder bars to run it backwards (why to either?) It was low capacity, and simply never *fun*.
I rode it when I was there in '22. They only had one side going, and it was frontward. It was a cool experience, but with launched rides being more commonplace, I can see not putting the money in to a one trick pony. I would've liked to try it backwards, seeing the ground go away that quickly would've been fun.
I wish I could say this was a total shock, but given how quickly Six Flags dispatched Kingda Ka and the fact that Superman has not operated since September, I figured it was a matter of time. So I guess now we wait to see the layout and plans for their 2026 suspended bike coaster.
Never got to get out there and ride it. But seemed pretty groundbreaking for the era. Late 90s. RIP….
I liked it – and its Australian cousin. I'll miss the noise, which I'm fairly sure you could hear from New York.
I develop Superior Solitaire when not riding coasters.
Well if you’re going to say it’s not a coaster, then you would have to include all the boomerang coasters as well. Since they are not a full closed track. Right??
I rode the ride pre-Krypton. I can't remember exactly when it was, but it might have been spring of '08, so close to the end of its run as "Superman the Escape." I recall being a bit disappointed in the airtime on the big hill, feeling like I had better airtime experiences on Wicked Twister. I don't know if they slowed it down a bit or if that's just the way the ride was. While I generally never like to see rides close, I almost feel like ride's contribution to the skyline is better than the actual ride experience.
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