Six Flags Layoffs

Jeff's avatar

Everything that tanked yesterday recovered a little from over-reaction. Has anyone been able to confirm the leadership purge?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Six Flags gave Free 2021 Season passes and memberships to everyone who had them in 2020? OK, that's cool for the season pass holders, but how the hell does that make $ sense to the company?!? It doesn't and this is the result.


Everything that tanked yesterday recovered a little from over-reaction. Has anyone been able to confirm the leadership purge?

SFGAdv and SFStL park presidents have both confirmed that they are retiring on September 1st. I haven't seen anything about the other three parks though.


Six Flags gave Free 2021 Season passes and memberships to everyone who had them in 2020? OK, that's cool for the season pass holders, but how the hell does that make $ sense to the company?!? It doesn't and this is the result.

I'm pretty sure all the chains gave away the 2021 season for those that had paid for a 2020 season that either didn't happen or was so weird and modified that it didn't count. I looked at it this way - at the end of 2019 I paid for 2021 and then got the weird 2020 stuff for free.

Right. My home park didn't even open in 2020. If you want to make the argument that the tier upgrade was not necessary and a poor business decision fine. Making people pay for a pass that they couldn't use through no fault of their own is fraud.

Last edited by Mulfinator,
hambone's avatar

One slightly annoying thing was that if you lived in NY and your home park was Great Escape, you got all of 2021 free. If you lived in the same place and your home park was Great Adventure, they started charging again in ~July 2021.

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