Six Flags America - Spring 2024 - Concerned

At least when Mine Eraser does reopen it'll have the new trains. I'll ride it the next time it's open as the new Professor Screamore's SkyWinder. Is that Cedar Flags Theming? Seems like it.

hambone's avatar

Cedar Flags will rename it “Steel Eraser.”

And it will be repainted to match Superhawk: Ride of Steel

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

Just name it hang n bang. At least it would be funny.

Here are my latest thoughts on the re-opening of "Coyote Creek" as "Steam Town" after it closed two+ years ago.

Coyote Creek only had two rides. "Mind Eraser" and the rapid water ride. I can't remember the name of the water ride, but it was one where 6-8 people jump into a round tube to ride around a short course and get splashed with water. (WEEEEEE... No thank you) They also had bumper cars and a "Saloon" to eat lunch/dinner at in that section of the park. That entire section of the park closed, along with another "Kiddie" section of the park that had low volume shuttered two years ago.

Later this summer, in 2024, (so they say) that section is opening up again and being reimagined as "Steam Town".

I don't understand this Steampunk theme thing. From my point of view, what they have done is they have changed the name of "Mind Eraser" and gave it a new paint job (verified). I have heard that there are supposed to be new trains (not verified) to improve the "mind erasing" experience from that terrible ride (just my opinion)

The rapid water ride has a new name as well and I can confirm that they have installed new dinosaurs along the water ride for theming (you can see them from the lift hill of ROAR). Steampunk and dinosaurs? WTF?

There is also a new ride coming in and currently being installed into "Steam Town", which is the equivalent to "Mix'd™ Flavored By Jolly Rancher" at Hershey Park.

DoubleMeatTaco did you ride the Mind Eraser with the new trains? How is it?

LostKause's avatar

CoasterPhantom, I don't think it's opened yet. Or maybe that was your passive aggressive point?

These hang and bang coasters ARE terrible rides. They are not aging well, and they tend not to be popular with the public. I think all or most of them should have been scrapped years ago. I will make an exception with the one at Morey's Piers. It's still terrible, but not half as bad as others I have ridden.

Switching topics... Turning a western theme into a steampunk theme should be very easy. Half the theming is done already. I've never seen dinosaurs associated with steampunk. That's going to be a stretch. Seems like a convenient way for people who don't understand steampunk to use some old dinosaur props that were sitting around collecting dust. Only Jurassic Park saves dinosaurs from being cheesy. (In my opinion.)

^ I didn't realize is hadn't opened yet. When we stopped in to to activate our passes on opening day the park was closing at 4 due to rain, and it was like 2pm. We only walked as far as the gift shops just inside the gate. Not being passive aggressive. 😉

I'm sure it's open now. I've gotten emails. I'm guessing the new trains improve the ride, but still bumpy like Moreys Pier.

The steam punk theme is being used all across the chain now. SFA, SFNE, SFGr8am, and Dorney. Are there more?

LostKause's avatar

Six Flags America's website says that Steamtown is now open. As much as I keep up with what's new in the industry, I had no idea. The internet is not buzzing about this.

Rick_UK's avatar


Nothing to see here. Move along.

LostKause's avatar

I just can't get T3 out of my head when I see these guys ride this. One of the worst coasters I've ever experienced. Although, the SLC in Wildwood was a lot less painful than other SLCs I have been on.

The guys in the video sure were bouncing around a lot though.

hambone's avatar

Agreed, it did not look like an especially comfortable ride.

The video speaks for itself. I'll give it a try on my next visit but I'm guessing one and done.

I think those kids in the video had their minds erased.

Twisted Colossus and surroundings at SFMM are steam punk too.

Dave Dragon, go Dave Dragon, and the Star Force Five!

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