Silver Bullet model

Turbo said:
I think the yellow and red were just used as they are both bright colors and stand out clearly in the picture..could be wrong though *** Edited 12/9/2003 3:25:30 PM UTC by Turbo***

That could be a possibility. But if you follow Knott's trend lately you will see that their color schemes are akin to a five year olds coloring book, a riot of colors that don't match. Works for me though. I love it!!

Anyways, Love the designs Keith, what the heck does badnitrus mean anyway???

Fate is the path of least resistance.

On the subject of how they will blend this coaster in with the environment, or theme it:

From what I've read from KBF, it sounds like this coaster will actually be flying "above" most of the park areas, well off the ground. So having sheds and near misses doesn't seem too likely. However, flying high above everything else (water, midways, and other coasters) does sound pretty cool, and will probably add to the experience of the ride. I could be wrong, but this is what I gather both from KBF's description of the ride, and the layout picture.

As for the colors, I am really not crazy about red/yellow, and CF seems to use it on every new coaster (or re-paint)nowadays. But if those are indeed the colors, they are more "western" in tone then say Blue or Green colors are. And as was mentioned above, I think the trains will be chrome plated, which will constitute the "Silver" part of the ride. Besides, it's the trains that are the "silver bullet", not the track or supports anyway! :)

I'm having a hard time picturing silver trains mixed with those colors... although if they do use those colors, hopefully they won't be as saturated. Plus if they painted it Silver or Black it would look similar to Batman at Magic Mountain or Top Gun at PGA, and yellow & red definitely stand apart from those.

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen

I'm still thinking it will have a silver track with dark red rails, and the "chrome plated trains" but thats just a guess. Look at the logo, I'd say the track may match that.

Knotts Halloween Haunt- Everyone has to go sometime....

Well, to bind a coaster named "Silver Bullet" into a Wild West - Theme, you could simply include it into a gunfight themeing.
Will this make the coaster be rated PG-13 ? :o)
*** Edited 12/9/2003 8:04:11 PM UTC by superman***
I am sorry, but am I the only person that thinks this sucks?

Sucks as in:

"It sucks that Keith is making us more excited about this ride by posting these ultra-cool educational deals while we have just over a year to wait."

Thanks a lot Keith. Now my anticipation for this monster has just gone up.

oh.........and.............great job as usual. =:^)


Keith do you plan on doing Storm Runner?

Sean: The more I work on it the cooler Silver Bullet gets!

Alex: Sure I'll do Storm Runner if I get the time - and if anyone has any aerial pictures of the area where it is going to be, feel free to email them to me since I have never been to Hershey Park and I am very unfamiliar with it...

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen

Can do Keith...There is a 330 foot "Kissing" Tower as Hersey calles it right next to the construction site. I'll be their next week and I'll take a bunch of photos of the serrounding area and some photos from in in the tower for you.

Oh BTW...I just wanted to clear it that I wasn't asking you to do Storm Runner (I know you get a lot of e-mails with people asking you if you can do this ride or that ride). I figured their was A good chance since you have done the previous two rockets and was just wondering if you where planing on doing Storm Runner. I just wanted to clear that up.

** Edited 12/10/2003 3:18:26 AM UTC by Alex Nagel*** *** Edited 12/10/2003 3:36:40 AM UTC by Alex Nagel***

john peck's avatar

So, are you just doing this for yourself, or did Cedar Fair hire you create this, or can you not say, not that there is any big secret now about it, since the ride has been announced...

John he answered that question above, if you actually read all the posts you'd know the answer

john peck's avatar
Ah, I see it now.
Yeah I tried - I'm just going to do what I did before with Xcelerator. But it is mostly for fun, that isn't my motivation though! For any of you going to no coaster con in January, hopefully I will have it done then becuase I want to show it there!

Also - I have updated again and now there are much better pictures

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen

janfrederick's avatar
Wow, I'm not a big fan of steel, but I think this one could be one of the better bimmers.

Keith, don't you fret none. The money will come in. You have an amazing attention to detail, have engineered a rather complex modelling process, and can explain it all very well. Good luck to ya.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Nice work man :) Always impressive!

I show friends the site, and they think a team of professionals do the animation.

janfrederick's avatar
By the way, would anybody venture to guess why the shallow first drop? I'd guess to give Jaguar clearance. I don't think they'd remove it after giving it a paint job.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
rollergator's avatar
Remove Jaguar?!?!?!! Perish the thought, it's quite possibly the most unique ride around. Halfway between a thrill ride and a monorail, Jaguar! is one awesomely cool coaster, even it it isn't the biggest, fastest, etc. Threading the loop on Monte makes it all the better....and when it interacts with SB, Jaguar! will become EVEN better...

Brought to you by the Committee to Save Jaguar!

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

janfrederick's avatar
Hey, can I join? ;)

I think I especially like Jaguar because it looks as if it were designed using RCT.

By the way Keith, perhaps you could build Jaguar and Monty to go along with the S to the B. ;) *** Edited 12/11/2003 11:02:39 PM UTC by janfrederick***

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Mamoosh's avatar
Other than the lift it doesn't look like Silver Bullet will interact with Jaguar much as all. My guess for the shallow drop is two-fold:

1] it allows the paddlewheel to operate
2] it allows for a loop exit that's high enough for trains to safely fly over walkways.


I also love Jaguar for what it is. The type of ride it delivers reminds me of a modern day Schwarzkopf Speedracer, a very cool genre that's just about extinct.

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