Silly, But...

Could it be possible to make it to where a new signup has to wait a period of time till they can post? Give them a lurking period? Or limit the amount they post at first, and make it to where they have to click 'Yes' to the ToS every time they log in for a while?

I know I ask a lot, but, hey (!), what are suggestion forums for if you don't use them? :)

Jeff's avatar
Why? Because every new member is automatically not qualified to post? I think that's going a bit far.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

eightdotthree's avatar
The forum is moderated well enough that this sort of thing isn't needed, and it could turn off future members from contributing.

The title of this thread is a violation of the TOS. It is not detailed or specific enough.
Perhaps Just Tek needs a waiting period himself.


"I've been born again my whole life." -SAVED
Because every new member is automatically not qualified to post.

I'd say thats exactly the point. I would imagine the only people that would have a problem with it are the ones that aren't qualified to post. Heck, I could have used a 'waiting period' myself.

But there are people who lurk for a long time but aren't really "members" They might only sign up if and when they feel a strong need to reply to something.

Wasn't there talk about some sort of probation period once? If a new member makes too many stupid posts within a short time frame then take away their posting rights for a bit. That wa you're innocent until you prove yourself guilty. :)

Welcome to CoasterBuzz, now shaddap and siddown! :)

What are we gonna tell them next, get a girlfriend and a second hobby too?

It's not exactly West Point or an Ivy League school. It's a ROLLERCOASTER Web site. If that doesn't say, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of bespectacled dorks" I don't know what would.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Newbies make it fun. Must of us old timers are very predictible in what we will post. It is fun to read what the new folks have to say, and then to respond to them. And who among us has not violated the TOS on occation or made a totally off the wall post. After all, most of us spend time here because it is fun, and it is the off the wall threads and obscure posts that often lead to the most fun reading. And now that just about everyone is closed for the year and Holiday World has made their announcement, things could get a little slow if we don't have the occational wierdness to deal with.

Life is an amusment park -and I can't get off of the damn spinning teacups!
Exactly. What fun would this site be without the CPnuts, Coaster Preservation Clubs, and 13 year olds who are building their own parks! ;)

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
rollergator's avatar
Hey now Jeff, TitanFan already has half the funding he needed....;)


Actually, I've seen quite a few (read: more than one) forums that require a 2, 3, 7, or even 30 day waiting period to post after registering. It does wonders for spam and idiocy control.
That's Coaster Preservation Organization....among other 'organizations' and 'consultants' with crack staffs planning exciting new rides at exciting new parks with details to come soooooooon.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

rollergator's avatar
Only in America....

- Don King


Jeff's avatar
It still floors me that if people aren't complaining about over-moderation, they're complaining about under-moderation.

It's not going to happen. Discussion over.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Closed topic.

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