
I'd like it to rise again at SFGAm, put it back in the parking lot again. I don't care. They never let me have a good-bye ride on it :(. I want it back.
The whole power structure of the Net is based on the inalienable right to flame. He who flames the loudest and strongest will prevail, for he will have maintained purity of essence by not compromising his principles.
Maybe they'll send it to Fiesta Texas and run it backwards to make up for the loss of the Joker. Can we say ouch? ;)

Formally Suspended Andrew, proud member since May 2001.

I think it would be great if they retro fitted the seats with OTSR's instead of the horsecollars, redo the wheel assemblies to trailer articulated, and put it up at another point in SFGAm. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN THOUGH.

I think that it should go to SFNO, because this would, even though old, be another big attraction which would help the park in its opening year. maybe paint it purple and gold and call it something along the lines of a mardi gras theme. just a thought...

also, since joker's revenge is moving, is it still going to run backwards?

I am one.
I am Turbo.

They could move it to another park... but I still think it would be better off in the ocean....

That's what happened to Drachen Fire, you know; thrown in the ocean. Cause they heard about X.
*** This post was edited by one sided soldier 2/23/2003 9:46:02 PM ***

Haha, dig a deep hole, throw Shockwave in it, then pour cement to fill the hole.

Riding the Bull anywhere but the back is merely going for a walk.

Then build a good ride on top of it like a B&M, just to mock the pitiful waste of metal that lies beneath.

"Gimmie another donut, i'm HUNGRY!",

they should bring it to la ronde in montreal canada cuz it is a six flag park its an old park from 1967 since expo67 and i bet it has room
john peck's avatar
Its not a bad ride, it just needs some tweaking and a slight re-profile on the break-neck curve.

I kinda always wished it would go to SFKK, but they don't have room for it. :(

ClarkChavez said:
Maybe they'll send it to Fiesta Texas and run it backwards to make up for the loss of the Joker. Can we say ouch? ;)

I can picture it now........Racing down the lifthill and into the station.......... ;)

CBCon Quote "We didn't even get wet"......30 seconds later you hear plop, then splash!!!!

fatkat61 said:
they should bring it to la ronde in montreal canada cuz it is a six flag park its an old park from 1967 since expo67 and i bet it has room

Seriously, every post you have made is about Expo 67. Get over it, man, and learn spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Poor SW it seems that no park will take in this coaster :(

The Demon He's gonna getchya!

Send it to Neverland. I'm sure Michael Jackson will take it! It'll fit right along with the zipper. ;)

Fight war, not wars

Kick The Sky's avatar
Scrap it and sell the steel to B&M or Intamin for something better. :)

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 21 pounds since 1-1-2003

I personally would love to see it here at SFSL. I know it doesn't look like it, but we have plenty of room to build SW and I wouldn't miss Ninja one bit. SW would look awesome on the SFSL skyline right along w/Eagle, Boss, and B:TR.

St. Louis Blues hockey RULES!!!

Greatest theme park ride: Steam train

May the Tommy G. Robertson live forever.

Panther Modern said:

Shaggy said:
Actually I have it on pretty good authority (ACE exec) that Shockwave was originally intended to be moved to Six Flags Astroworld. However space limitations nixed that.



Proud A-lister!

According to our Public Relations department at Six Flags AstroWorld, yes, Shockwave was originally planned to be installed at the park. With Texas Tornado being shipped off to SFMW, our Looney Toons Town was going to be moved the Tornado's pad, and Shockwave was going to be installed in European Village with the queue being where LTT was.

HOWEVER, once they went and rode GASM at SFNJ, they did everything they could to tell corporate "Please don't send us this ride". Somehow, it worked. And in Chicago, it still sits.

HONESTLY, if you want my *opinion*, I have a pretty good feeling it's new home will be in the land of Creole (points to his east).

Panther Modern
An Astroworld Tribute Site

Now why does this not surprise me? You and FiercePancake in particular tried to make me look like a complete idiot for thinking that it was even possible that we might get the Shockwave, and now you're actually admitting here that it was indeed being planned for us all along, just as I suspected it was. You two make me sick!

So obviously the IP ban you did on me to keep me from being able to view or post anything on your boards was for the exact same reasons that I suspected too. You didn't want any of your cronies in PR to know that there was any GP here in Houston who actually wanted us to get the Shockwave, or we might've gotten it!

You know what, I'm glad that y'all despise me so much, because it just proves to me that I was 100% right about everything that I ever said or thought about you two, and your website. You two just can't stand it because I speak the truth!

P.S.: For dated proof that I knew about the new Sky Swatter we're getting this year before it was announced, click on this link to see for yourself, since you two seem to think that you're the only ones in town who can know stuff in advance!

Excuse me while I swat the sky! SFAW 2003
*** This post was edited by Iron Draggon 3/9/2003 11:21:56 PM ***

Shockwave was not a bad coaster at all. And unless you are a baby, it wasn't too rough. Let's face it, chances are that it won't be re-built anywhere, but I still will miss it.

And for all of you who are trashing the ride, IMO you are not true coaster fans.

The Beast, at night, Nothing better.

I'm with you, coasteraddict. I never had the pleasure of riding it, and unless it ends up at SFNO, I probably never will, but all these peeps who whine about how awful and painful it was are the same sort of whimps who got Drachen Fire dismantled for us. Too many enthusiasts these days seem to think that a coaster train should ride like an Amtrak train, it's pathetic! And what's worse, these are the same vocal people who have websites that are busy enough to get the industry's attention on their opinions, so the thoughts of the true enthusiasts are often stifled by the ramblings of these coaster posers!

Excuse me while I swat the sky! SFAW 2003

coasteraddict said:
And for all of you who are trashing the ride, IMO you are not true coaster fans.

Yeah I guess it would take a true coaster fan to appreciate a sore back and neck after going on a ride.

No it wasn't a bad coaster at all, just a little rough. It was acually my favorite coaster of all time. It really got me both sad and mad when it came down but I'm over that now. It boggels my mind though how some people could call themselves Coaster Enthusiasts, and wish for SW to be scraped!I agree with you guys it did get a little old always hearing people whine like babies that SW was too bumpy.

The Demon He's gonna getchya!
*** This post was edited by SFGAMNUT9302 3/9/2003 11:39:37 PM ***

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