Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

Read more from Gizmodo.

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There’s not “too many risk factors” for a healthy 19-year-old girl. How many healthy 19-year-old girls have dies FROM Covid? That is the only stat needed.

You just shared a NYT’s article that was confident in reporting the “rate of change” in ALL deaths from Covid. In order to know the “rate of change” you have to know the total deaths for EVERYONE. How many of those were healthy 19-year-old girls?

And if the stats aren’t available on that basis…why not? We’re two years in… Why is there no interest in developing risk profiles…

P.S. I don’t need to go to journalism school. That’s what the NBC affiliate in Vermont is for…

Last edited by Aamilj,
Jeff's avatar

So you're a 19-year-old girl?

There's a thing, they call it a "variant." It behaves differently, they say. The experts don't have all of the answers yet. If you're worried about your risk, you should ask your doctor.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

My doctor says the media’s portrayal of Covid risks are way overblown. She even went to medical school. I’m actually way more cautious than she is. But when I see asymptomatic people clogging emergency rooms…I do wonder if I should listen to her more.

OhioStater's avatar

Jeff said:

So you're a 19-year-old girl?

Promoter of fog.

ApolloAndy's avatar

My doctor says your doctor smells funny.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jeff's avatar

Great science reporting here from Ars Technica about the current state of things (which at this rate will be good for a few days). What's interesting about it is that all of the current observations have caveats. The math seems to indicate higher transmissibility, less severe disease, but the sheer volume could still lead to hospital overload, especially in unvaccinated populations.

Meanwhile, the definition of "fully vaccinated" may have to change, and of course people will make it political. The feds are literally considering adopting the language "vaccination up to date" because it may change. I'm not sure how we got to a place where people think that science is transactional.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Very simply, Republicans, Fox News and Right wing radio.

it’s really distressing to see this thread still around, and just as topical, as when it was created nearly 2 full years ago.

Jeff said:

Great science reporting here from Ars Technica about the current state of things (which at this rate will be good for a few days). What's interesting about it is that all of the current observations have caveats. The math seems to indicate higher transmissibility, less severe disease, but the sheer volume could still lead to hospital overload, especially in unvaccinated populations.

Meanwhile, the definition of "fully vaccinated" may have to change, and of course people will make it political. The feds are literally considering adopting the language "vaccination up to date" because it may change. I'm not sure how we got to a place where people think that science is transactional.

The definition of fully vaccinated is irrelevant at this point. Everyone will get the Omicrom variant, vaccinated or not. THAT would be the reason it should not be politicized. Yet, Fauci will trot out some more b.s. about how it's imperative that everyone get a booster, masks up and abides by social distancing when you are no more protected from Omicrom than without the booster. Plus the death rate is minimal and less than the flu. Doctors from Africa said long ago that Omicrom is being way overblown.

Science that is unquestionable is propaganda.

Last edited by extremecoasterdad,
Jeff's avatar

One study shows that the booster gets you to 70-75% against omicron infection. It also greatly reduces the odds of hospitalization and death. Don't be willfully stupid. Vaccines still work, you just need more doses. You can't even spell omicron, which doesn't lend you much credibility.

Good news this morning is that the J&J booster is also very effective against omicron. There's still some concern about the rare blood clots with that one.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I'm not an alarmist but we don't know what we don't know. When we first heard about Covid-19 nobody knew about long haul covid. When we first heard about Delta nobody heard a thing about Omicron. In my position I've taken the most conservative approach to our processes for working around Covid by simply following the advice of the CDC. When they recommended masks I required masks. When they recommended the vaccines I required the vaccines (but made exemptions for those who couldn't get requiring them to do weekly testing).

While most of the communities began dropping the indoor face masking policies around Thanksgiving due to lower numbers here in Florida I kept mine in place...because the CDC guidance remained in place. They recently dropped the isolation period to 5 days...and I've dropped mine to 5 days.

All of these decisions...which simply took the politics out of the decision making...have suited us well. We have had 0 cases of work transmission of Covid in two years. And, in my personal life I have continued to shop, visit theme parks, go to the movies, travel, etc while masking where appropropriate and distancing as necessary. No Covid and it has not hit my immediate family.

Lo and behold...I've followed the experts' advice and it has worked. Who would have thunk it?

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

I've done that and my family and I still ended up with COVID (before the vaccines were available to any of us). Is this the part in the script where I should tell you that this is proof that being a good human didn't work?

Covid did not grow organically in your home so it came in somehow. Poor mask, short lapse of the mask, school transmission through the kids...who knows? I don't know a thing about your circumstances but there are always outliers.

You hear stories of people who smoked 6 packs of cigarettes a day and lived into their 90s...but taking up smoking because that means "it is safe" is probably the wrong decision.

That you seemingly did everything right and still got Covid is not a good reason to forego the vaccine, shun the masks and start rubbing up against strangers.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

I thought it was pretty obvious that I was being sarcastic.

I'm not good at picking up sarcasm online. They need a font for that.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

kpjb's avatar

ThEy nEEd A FoNt FoR tHaT!


wahoo skipper said:

I'm not good at picking up sarcasm online. They need a font for that.

I'm active on another message board that has an unofficial sarcasm font. I was also taking a swipe at the "Damn the torpedos, we're all going to get it anyway" mentality posted above.

ApolloAndy's avatar

extremecoasterdad said:

Everyone will get the Omicrom variant, vaccinated or not. THAT would be the reason it should not be politicized.

Even if that were true (which it's probably not), the rate at which people get it has a huge impact. If everyone got the flu at the same time, the entire healthcare system and probably the economy would collapse.

In other news, I recently switched back to viewing log scale graphs because we're in...exponential growth, again.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Tekwardo's avatar

Serious question since I agree with the sentiments of Gonch and Amilj re: I no longer care about people who choose not to get vaxed,

Some if you are against the government making masks mandates and vaccine mandates.

This may have been discussed but are you against the government mandating other vaccines to attend school? Are you against the government mandating drivers wear seatbelts? Have our cars inspected? The requirements for certain safety issues to be dealt with? I’m genuinely curious. If so, why is that different than mask mandates? Vaccine mandates? Quarantine mandates?

As for the idea of “I don’t like the government trying to force me to protect people that are choosing to be stupid, do you not think that those people have kids that they won’t get vaccinated, won’t let the children take any precautions?

I’m genuinely curious.

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Tekwardo's avatar

Re: science that is unquestionable…

Nonsense. Facts are facts. Some things are absolute facts. Those that aren’t color blind know the sky is blue. That’s a scientific fact. If you question that, you’re either irrational or have a vision issue.

Water freezes at a certain point. That’s a scientific fact.

Someone on twitter had a conversation with a (I believe) virologist. That person asked the Twitterer “what is the point of a vaccine?” Twitterer responded “to not get sick” expert on the subject said “no, the point of a vaccine is to keep you from dying”.

From my pedestal, I’m sorry, but you’re coming across of an obtuse and not very intelligent person, extreme coaster dunce.

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