Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

Read more from Gizmodo.

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Tommytheduck's avatar

Of course I caught all the screencaps of 90 min FL+/ 4 hr. waits for SV, 2 hours for Mine Ride, etc. But yeah, opening weekend.

The real test (for me) will be when I go this Friday. I'm hoping that since it's still a "workday" (Do people in Ohio still work?) that the lines aren't bad.

Oh yeah, and I got Season Fastlane Plus for this year. Whoop!

To keep it remotely on topic, I'm interested in seeing the mask situation at the park. I'll be wearing mine more than most people I suspect. (fully vaxed)

Last edited by Tommytheduck,
Jeff's avatar

Just curious, why do you think you should wear a mask if you're fully vaccinated?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Vater's avatar

A friend of mine tested positive for COVID well beyond the two week period after his second vaccination. Not that a single anecdote is cause for alarm, but it did make me consider wearing a mask after I was fully vaccinated (which I am now). That said, the only time I will likely wear one is when we're out with my 10 year old daughter who isn't eligible for the vaccine yet, or if certain establishments require it.

Tommy....I was actually a little surprised by the number of people wearing masks in the park. Not only indoors, but in lines and on rides. Mask wearing was probably 10-15% of people outdoors. I thought it would be much lower. We were among those masked up in those same situations, even though we are both fully vaccinated.

Jeff....for us it is not so much "should" wear a mask as it is still a little bit of re-entry anxiety. We are getting a little more comfortable, but still are being cautious. Although walking the midways unmasked did not feel uncomfortable at all.

Last edited by Bozman,
Jeff's avatar

That's reasonable. I'm not sure I really want to interact with humans face to face in general, regardless of disease.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

What surprised me at Cedar Point was the number of people who had masks dangling from their ears and hanging under their chins. I actually saw more people wearing masks than I expected, but the large number of people "wearing" them under their chins was a bit of a head scratcher. Why not just take the darned thing off entirely?

The Ohio Health Director signed an order today that brings Ohio's mask requirement (which will be completely rescinded on June 2) into agreement with the CDC recommendations. What's interesting about that is that while she signed the order today, it goes into effect at 4:00pm *last Friday*. So it turns out that the non-compliance in indoor spaces this past weekend was presumably compliant with the order actually in effect at that time.

I'm reminded of that announcement in the plaza outside Flight of Fear advising of the time travel committee meeting to be held last week...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

    /X\        _      *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____

I don't understand wearing it on the chin wither. Mine is a hybrid between a mask and a gaiter so it is designed to sit around my neck when not wearing but I still take it completely off anyway because I don't like the way it feels around my neck.

Tommytheduck's avatar

Jeff said:

Just curious, why do you think you should wear a mask if you're fully vaccinated?


OhioStater's avatar

Really. What's the point?

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

It sure seems like a reasonable question to me.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Vater's avatar

I've heard a number of people (family included) that said they will likely wear a mask in the foreseeable future because of other transmissible diseases/viruses. I can't really find fault with that, based on the fact that the only time I've been even slightly sick since 2019 was when I felt like death after shot #2. I like not being sick. It's pretty cool.

Not saying I'm one of those who will wear a mask in public, but I'm not going to judge anyone who is.

Also not to look over the fact that break-through infections happen post immunization. And while being immunized will surely reduce the severity of your case, it does still increase the amount of infections and the possibility for additional strains to continue to evolve.

Unfortunately there will always be unvaccinated, unmasked people. Especially in my part of the country and line of work. The more this virus is able to evolve, the more difficult it will be to globally contain it to the point that we truly feel like it's no longer a factor in day to day life. I'm immunized, but I'll continue to wear my mask (indoors, reasonably crowded scenarios) knowing that if I were to get a breakthrough infection, I may not even know it, and that I can still spread the virus.

Last edited by cmwein,
OhioStater's avatar

Science is telling us that vaccinated people are highly unlikely to spread the virus, so even if you are a "break-through", that's probably not happening either.

I've heard some people mention what Vater said, though, which makes sense if you're into it.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

kpjb's avatar

Vater said:

I've heard a number of people (family included) that said they will likely wear a mask in the foreseeable future because of other transmissible diseases/viruses. I can't really find fault with that, based on the fact that the only time I've been even slightly sick since 2019 was when I felt like death after shot #2. I like not being sick. It's pretty cool.

Not saying I'm one of those who will wear a mask in public, but I'm not going to judge anyone who is.

This has been pretty common in Japan for years. I always found it slightly amusing to see pics of people masked up on the subway, in stores, etc. Now my take on that has changed.


OhioStater said:

Science is telling us that vaccinated people are highly unlikely to spread the virus, so even if you are a "break-through", that's probably not happening either.

I'm not disagreeing with or disputing the science. I literally just work in a small, interior office with 16+ people that have never worn masks, nor will be getting vaccinated anytime soon. I'm not ready to give up the ghost on my mask yet while in such environments.

Vater's avatar

I feel like I'm witnessing the beginning of a shift from calling out non-mask wearers idiots to calling vaccinated mask wearers idiots. Weird.

Jeff's avatar

I hope not. That would be uncalled for. It may not make sense to me, but it certainly doesn't hurt anyone.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Yes. I don't care either way.

I wasn't particularly offended by the anti-mask crowd and I'm not particularly offended by the "I wear a mask now" crowd.

Everyone has the right to suck in their own way.

I barely wore a mask this past week in Miami and now the next two weeks in Ohio are gonna feel like an eternity.

And for all the train wreck Florida is supposed to be, I didn't see it last August and I didn't see it this time. If anything, I was surprised so many people were still wearing masks.

OhioStater's avatar

Yea, I couldn't care less if someone wants to keep wearing a mask either. I'm just always curious of the thinking around people's choices.

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

You were never going to see the train wrecks unless you were hanging out in the hospitals. Even now, Orange County has 400 people hospitalized for Covid. Only Michigan has more hospitalized people than Florida per capita.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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