SFOG's Ninja

I see the naysayers have left since last night, and thanks for agreeing with me guys, I was a Lone Wolf last night.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

That's sooooo impressive!
Wow, two pages devoted to this piece of "ack."

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

*** This post was edited by chris on 4/16/2002. ***

Hey call me crazy but I liked it. Ok I am crazy, I like megaloopers too.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

p_c_r said:
How does the Ninja @SFSL compare? It's an older ride, & according to rcdb, has one less inversion & is much faster, 65mph.

Well, if you ask me, the one in Georgia is REALLY bad, while the one in STL is just kind of really bad. Although I visit SFSTL more, I still only ride it maybe once in the season, and only if it's a walk on.

I would also question the speed of 65. That just doesnt' seem right. There isn't a single big drop on it.

- Peabody

Oh come on guys, it's just coaster talk, and it's only pointless to the general public but not us. Also, check this out, every full circuit Vekoma looper has been a duel projact. So unless you're talking about a boomerang then you're gonna' get confused. All the Vekoma Corkscrews are done with Meisho. Venkoma mega loopers like Guoderix and Ninja@SFStL were duel projects with Arrow. The Vekoma Tornados are partnered and also can be sold through Senyo and Okamoto. Vekoma non loopers using the spine track have been done with Swarzkoph, Sansei, Meisho, and other smaller firms. Train suppliers can range from Arrow to Togo.

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