Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?
"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"
*** This post was edited by chris on 4/16/2002. ***
Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?
p_c_r said:
How does the Ninja @SFSL compare? It's an older ride, & according to rcdb, has one less inversion & is much faster, 65mph.
Well, if you ask me, the one in Georgia is REALLY bad, while the one in STL is just kind of really bad. Although I visit SFSTL more, I still only ride it maybe once in the season, and only if it's a walk on.
I would also question the speed of 65. That just doesnt' seem right. There isn't a single big drop on it.
- Peabody
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