SFNE gets approval for new coaster.

I just read that the new coaster is a go! There were some issues with some concerned residents, but everything is clear to go. Can't wait for more specific details.
Im very exited to hear that my homepark will be expanding. maybe more people will get to ride Superman and learn what they were missing.
Well as long as this rumored Stand-Up coaster doesn' take any records away from RR, i'll be alright:)

http://geocities.com/totallysfmm For All Your Six Flags Magic Mountain Info
i'm suprized no one has taken RR record by now, i mean if it can keep it then thats fine but i just thought by now at least some one would have tryed to make on bigger faster and more twisted
that would be sweet if it does! well....for me. being 1:40 mins away from a record breaker, SWEEEEEEET!!!! everybody needs to get to SFNE next year!
How tall is RR, because the coaster is said to be no more than 140 feet. But I do think it will either be a standup or a flying coaster.
I would like to see a B&M flyer but I know that is slim to none.
156 feet tall for RR:)

http://geocities.com/totallysfmm For All Your Six Flags Magic Mountain Info
it won't be a record breaker if it's a stand-up, but what about a floorless
the rumor of it being a standup is 90% true.
it will probally be a standup cause floorless are like 165 feet tall and up. but hey if it's B&M it will be awsome
Seems like a small floorless, but I did hear that some SFNE employees were sent to Great Adventure to do some observing on Mudusa. SO who knows?
I heard a report that SFA might be getting a stand-up in 02 as well,although it hasn't been confirmed yet.just read the post regarding the MR. freeze coaster question ,if it is still up that is.
Floorless cars are heavier so they need a bigger drop, 140 is too small.

http://geocities.com/totallysfmm For All Your Six Flags Magic Mountain Info
I visited SFNE last week. Coasters are great! The one things that sucks the most is the seating! On all of the roller coasters you get very little choice, it's like Magnum where they let so many into the station, only SFNE only lets enough people through for one car so you can't wait behind anyone for a specific car or row! But it is really bad on S:RoS because it is not even that! On Superman they wasted their money on the queue in the station because it is never used, they let you in the gate at the very front where one operator usually stands and fill you in starting with front going to the back! It sucks! At least on MF you get some choice of seats unless you are the last through the turnstile.

It's my Birthday! Somebody SPANK me!
I hoped Cyclone gets some re tracking NOT REPROFILEING next year.
they dont do that on SROS!!
only thunderbolt
what they should get is a stand-up better then RR or at leat up the same stats as Chang. also they shoudl just put a impulse coaster in there.
XL-Force2000, why didnt you ride Cyclone? its almost as good as Superman.
I went to SFNE last Friday for the first time and really enjoyed it. The park is bigger than I thought it would be and appeared to be well kept. SROS is an incredible coaster with massive ejector air. I also enjoyed the wild out of control ride I got from Cyclone. Another good coaster will make this park a true stand out.

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