SFGam website isn't updated nor are Season Pass $$

I was wondering if anyone has heard what the Season Pass Price will be for SFGam since they happened to be the ONLY park site that has yet to be updated. Also what is SFGam opening date for 2002? I think it is very oddly weird that this is the only site not yet updated. All the other parks of SF have websites with 2002 Season pass prices and 2002 opening dates.
I may be from IL, but i sure can't get enough of the FORCE. MF!!!
At NoCoasterCon 2K2, The SFGAm rep said that information will be coming out "soon" and that they are running a little late on getting the Season Pass stuff out even to existing pass holders.

Possible good news in the future though, they are looking into the option of letting you renew your pass in the fall for the next season instead of waiting until spring...

"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra

Opening date is Saturday , May 4th. If you call their information line they state this. Also the big digital sign off of the tollway states May 4th.
""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""
Did SF finally update the SFA site?When I checked it yesterday the schedule was still undetermined.
The site has been updated--SFGAm=$91.99 for a single season pass, and a whopping $39 for a season parking pass.
OUCH!!! Thats a big chunk of my wallet they are taking. Well looks like i might have to go on a road trip to either SFKK or SFWOA in march to pick up a pass out there for cheaper. Just about 3 years ago it use to be about $60 for a season pass and about $20 for a season parking pass. I hope they include the usual coupons that i have gotten in the past and then some. Especially some ERT or free Fast Passes would be nice for paying such a high price. What extras are they offering with the SFGam season passes this year? What will Chicagoland Dominicks be selling passes for this year?
I may be from IL, but i sure can't get enough of the FORCE. MF!!!

*** This post was edited by IL_MForce_Junkie on 1/23/2002. ***

Ok now this is getting a little ridiculous. Check this out...
Magic Mountain $ 90.00
Marine World $ 59.99
Elitch Gardens (Before June 15) $ 63.00 (After June 15th) $ 84.95
Georgia (Before April 14th) $ 49.99, (Before June 2) $ 54.99 (After June 2) $ 59.99
Great America (Chicago) $ 91.99
Kentucky (59.99 at the Park) $ 44.99 at Kroger
Baltimore/WDC $ 49.99 (+10% Amusement Tax)
New England $ 59.99
St. Louis $ 66.99
New Jersey $ 80.55
Darien Lake $ 49.99
World Of Adventure (Cleveland) $ 49.99
Houston $ 79.99
San Antonio $ 54.99
Dallas $ 69.99
Now... Who's Getting Screwed....
Please don't get me wrong, Great America is my home park, but every year the price is going up and up. I know we just got two new coasters (that were running very sporadically), but there are major problems at the park. Plus the coupons are basically worthless. The park does not offer any ERT, or any other benefits for season pass holders. Basically they don't give a S**T, they just want your money. 
Now that I have vented.... 
Coaster Art of your Favorite Coasters
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*** This post was edited by Coaster Art Guy on 1/23/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Coaster Art Guy on 1/23/2002. ***

Coaster Art Guy:

If you don't like it, make it known to the park by not buying a season pass.  Or at least buy it at a different park. 

Father Lucifer, you never looked so sane. You did always did prefer the drizzle to the rain

I have been buying my season pass at another park for the last two years. It's annoying that I have to go to another park for it. I just feel that we are being taken advantage of. Other parks offer their season pass holders many other perks. It seems that Great America really doesn’t care about us, just our money.

Coaster Art of your Favorite Coasters
Coming Soon.....

Wow these are getting expensive!
Coaster Art Guy is %100 right!!!!! SFGA shows the least concern about their partons than any park!
rollergator's avatar
Coaster Art Guy might need to change his name to Coaster Smart Guy...LOL.  Seriously, considering what it costs to get a SF pass somewhere (anywhere) else, do yourself a favor and start off the coastering year by visiting one of their other...fine...parks.  Well, at least a park with great coasters, not that's more what I meant to say.  But really, once you get it processed, you don't have to visit that park ever again.  Now that may be a bit harsh, but after hearing that SFKK's 2002 "improvement" is that they are taming the only coaster I REALLY liked there (and the best-running Summers-Dinn) in Thunder Run, let's just say that this year's SF pass will most likely reflect a different park.  Of course, not many can say that the closest SF park is 300 miles away...I guess my "blessing" is my curse...
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
Ok, so 90% of all people go only to their local SF park, so SF charges what the market will bear. Wanna bargain, I paid $59 Canadian for last years LaRonde pass and went to SFNE and SFWoA with it. Although, this season, with SF really running the place I expect a pass to cost $99 Canadian ($60US?). Maybe I should start off at SFDL instead. Gonna go there anyway this season
ahhh...thats why i love my SFA....awesome coasters, and cheap freakin season passes!!!!   and the best part of all, including SFA, i have 4 SF parks within an 8 hour drive...it just doesnt get much better....

Tim....(who is pretty sure he could make it to SFKK from Richmond VA in 8 hours if he peeled it:)....and SFOG for that matter:)



The prices announced at SFGAm are the season's pass prices which are $4 more than last year and parking is also $4 more than last year.  Last year, SFGAm offered an early bird special until April 6, 2001 which reduced the price $10 for both season gate and parking passes.  Plus, if you bought 4 tickets (family and/or friends), the price dropped another $10 per pass down to $68 with tax.  We'll see if that occurs this year as well.

Yes, the prices seem high, but Cedar Point's individual season pass is going for $99 right now and parking is $50 for a comparison. 

Plus, in 1999, the individual season pass tickets at SFGAm were $82.35 with $10 off at Dominicks/Pick n' Save.  (I didn't have a season pass in 1999 so I am going off a Pick n' Save flyer)


SFGAm home park for 25 years
Experience the Force in THX

Not only that (what Snake Oil Elixir said), but a season pass for a ski area will cost you 3-4 times as much, and the season is half as long.

If the season pass price is too high, don't buy one ! While you're surfing CoasterBuzz, posting complaints, I'll be riding some of the best coasters in the world AND saving enough money to buy FastLane passes on every visit, just to tick you off even more ! :P

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze
Visit: http://www.dynamicgroove.com

*** This post was edited by Joe Carroll on 1/24/2002. ***

For the past 5 years I've been going to other parks south of SFGAm for two reasons.   They open early in the season and their passes are alot cheaper.  I'll plan a weekend trip and drive the 7 hours to SFSTL and then head voer to WOF and buy their pass for CP.  I save money and get a early coaster fix

SFGAm can get away with charging that much for passes.  Many of the GP locals don't know that there is other SF parks within 7 hours south and east of Chicago or just don't want to go there.  They could charge $110 and people would still buy it there's nothing else around, CP been doing it for years granted they also have more to offer than SFGAm.  SFWOA seems to have the right idea by having a cheaper pass to their park knowing how much CP charges, we'll see how long it takes SFWOA to raise prices.

Coaster Art Guy said:
The park does not offer any ERT, or any other benefits for season pass holders. Basically they don't give a S**T, they just want your money. 
Now that I have vented....  [end quote]
Awwww.....no ERT? How dare you say that SFGAm doesn't care about its customers. Have you ever been to another SF park? The service and capacity that SFGAm provides is at least twice than what I've seen at the other parks, so quit your whining. If you don't like it, don't go there.

Ride the New England Bush!

*** This post was edited by Spacecase8310 on 1/24/2002. ***

Kick The Sky's avatar
I agree with Ragingusmc.  I am going to make the 5 1/2 hour drive to SFStl which opens earlier this year to get my season pass.  They are charging 67 for the first and 62 for subsequent passes beyond that.  That is a savings of almost 30 per pass unless I did the 4 pack family at SFGAm and then it is only a 20 dollar savings.  It will give me an excuse though to finally visit SFStl and ride some new coasters at the end of April though!

The reason that SFGAm passes are higher than elsewhere is that SFGAm has one of the better parks coupled with the fact that there is absolutely no competition here for amusement parks.  If you look at Worlds of Adventures prices, they have one less coaster and an extra sealife park.  Their pass is only 49.99.  They are also competing with CP, PKI, and all the PA parks as well.  Magic Mountain at 90 is the second highest and have 4 more coasters, tons more rides, and the most inovative coaster in the chain.  They also have several parks in the So Cal region to compete with. 

Unless someone builds another park in the Chicagoland area, season pass prices as well as general admission prices at SFGAm will always be among the highest in the Six Flags chain.  I know it sucks, but it is all marketing and people pay for it so they will keep doing it.  I don't blame them one bit for doing it this way.  I also have no qualms on "screwing" them and driving to another park to get a pass that will get used mostly at SFGAm.

Bob Hansen

"Excuse me while I kick the sky!"

the only problem with going to another park to get your Season Pass is that you then lose the opportunity to buy a season parking pass for GAm...that to me is worth paying the 20-30 extra for all the trips i make to GAm each season.
"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra

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