SFGAm Taking different approach to Flash Pass ?

ApolloAndy's avatar
^^^ and ^^

But you guys are really aruging that it's not fair that some people have so much more money than other people (which I can see a couple of good cases for).

You're not really arguing that it's unfair that Six Flags happily takes money from people who have a lot of it.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

ApolloAndy's avatar

dannerman said:
See This Post for an in-depth explanation of why it's NOT line jumping. Everyone is *STILL* waiting. They're just not forced to wait in the physical line. But they're STILL WAITING!

In my (limited) experience with VQing, a lot of people flash a big ride and wait in line for another big ride. Whether you call that line jumping is up to you. I do (park sanctioned line jumping, mind you).

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

It's fair of course.. its America, North America that is...

It's fair but unbelievably crappy! Mr. Koch from Holiday World said they would never do anything like that.

I too was raised in a single parent home, Great America was the big thing ever summer. Lines are bad enough.

It's fair, but such a crappy way to treat your 'guests'. Ticket brokering is 'fair' and 'legal' too, but very crappy. The dark side of capitalism.

It really suprises me that parks the caliber of Disney and Cedar Point do this...

To make it more 'fair' it would be nice if everyone was issued one 'free' pass upon entering. I'll take one of those over a stupid park map...

Guys, seriously its entertainment, ie the same area as movie theatres that charge more at night, concerts and sporting events where the closer you are to the stage/field the more money it is and certain acts/games cost more, etc. There is seriously no difference in the reasons behind FOL access at amusement parks and no one complains about the inequities in other entertainment players, why is a theme park different?

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

dannerman said:
See This Post for an in-depth explanation of why it's NOT line jumping. Everyone is *STILL* waiting. They're just not forced to wait in the physical line. But they're STILL WAITING!

Umm...Yes it is line jumping. It's line jumping because someone VIRTUALLY waiting in line can also be physically waiting in another line. The only way to effectively get two or more rides in the same amount of time it take everyone else to get one ride is to cut in line, therefor it IS line jumping.

Line cutting is against the rules because it makes everyone else's wait longer. What does allowing some people to wait in two or more lines at the same time do to regular park guests? It forces them to wait longer. A ride only has a certain capacity, right?

ApolloAndy said:
^^^ and ^^

But you guys are really aruging that it's not fair that some people have so much more money than other people (which I can see a couple of good cases for).

You're not really arguing that it's unfair that Six Flags happily takes money from people who have a lot of it.

I think the REAL argument here is that SF is forcing an unfair system on their "guests". Sure it's not fair that "guests" are not guaranteed the same amount of service that they used to get before Lo-Q came about, but that's not the argument here.

RollerCoastin!!!! said:
I feel that anyone who pays to get in the park should be treated the same as everyone else.

Me too.

P18 said:
It's why I choose to not visit their parks, simply because IMO, there are better parks to spend my money on. If they make a fortune on it, I guess good for them..

I agree. Pissing off the "guests" wouldn't be worth any amount of profit if I was running a park. There are many other choices when planning to go to a theme park. I put all SF parks at the bottom of my priorities because of their association with the Lo-Q company.

And finally...

Brian Noble said:
...As the pay-to-cut systems spread...

you know only a few parks have picked up Lo-Q's "line management system" to be able to scam their "guests". I believe that there are a lot of parks, like HW for example, that understand that their "guests" are a lot smarter than Lo-Q believes. That's why there's such a "Lo" number of parks picking up the "Q" management from these guys.

Another words, I don't see this becoming the norm for the majority of theme parks.

Everything is always fair until it doesn't benefit you.

And I love how every time this subject comes up, people are suddenly so concerned for their fellow park goers. "What about the other teenage season passers...um I mean people that have to wait the full time in line"!

If only we'd show that same concern in other aspects of life that *aren't* so self-serving. ;) *** Edited 3/23/2007 2:29:10 AM UTC by DWeaver***

Sorry for the double post...

Touchdown said:
Guys, seriously...

You make a good point there and I respect your opinion. Keep that in mind when I sat that Lo-Q's success is balancing on the hope that everyone misunderstands how their system works. They hope that everyone is ignorant of the fact that it is bad for capacity and not good. They even say on their website that it isn't line jumping because you must wait, and on the same page they suggest that you ride other attractions while being virtually queued. The hope you don't put two and two together, so they can be successful in scamming park goers.

DWeaver said:
Everything is always fair until it doesn't benefit you...

Everything is always fair unless it doesn't concern YOU too.

Because YOU are able to buy into the Lo-Q scam, it is fair to you but not to me when I stand around and let you cut. It used to be fair, before Lo-Q figured out a way parks could resell a service. It used to be fair when both the rich and the poor waited in the same line at the same time.

*** Edited 3/23/2007 2:43:04 AM UTC by dexter***

I've never in my life used a Q anything. I've never ever used a fastpass at Disney.

But... I've also *never* had a problem with people paying to have their place held in line...ever.

And I'm sorry, but if your just *standing around* while Lo-Q after Lo-Q passes you in line, it's not about the Lo-Q at all. Your visiting the wrong damn park!

I for one liked the old q-bot system. Got a season pass at SFA, ponied up the $$$ for a gold q-bot at SFNE and had my best day ever at a SF park.

Capitalism... gotta love it. As my old Economics prof said... two ironclad rules of economics... 1) "There aint no such thing as a free ride" and 2) "Them that has, gets".

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Sorry, guys. I'm going to be a jerk and close this. We got our answer on the website info and I don't think we really need two threads of endless back and forth on the Q-bot.

Feel free to continue the debate that's been going on in this thread. :)

Closed topic.

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