SFGAdv 6/17/08 (Day 4)

Soggy's avatar
I also did not know what "FTW" was... of course, I am lame. (if that's still a word)

I think $65 is more than I'm willing to pay per head for a day at a 6 flags, but my 2 kids are still young. Once they are older, I may change my tune. It's nice to see that people can actually be swayed by a good experience rather than let the poor experiences of the past cloud their judjement.

Now... put El Toro a few notches higher on my "gotta ride it" list.

Pass da' sizzrup, bro!

I just watched a video of Voyage...how LONG is that ride? Certainly is a proper name for it. I want to ride it! Until then, El Toro will remain firmly seated in my number one slot. If I end up going to Cedar Point this summer that may change without ever having rode Voyage, but I dunno...

Soggy, I think Great Adventure is kind of waste for the people with younger children. Once your kids are older, you're absolutely right, they might be more well-suited to this park. Although I did see teeny tiny girls getting on El Toro and coming off laughing and jumping around.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

Soggy, you don't have to pay $65 a head if you don't want to. Wawa has tickets for $24.99. If you can bring a nonrider along it is great for families. Wiggles World, Looney Toon National Park, and Balins' Jungle Land will keep little kids occupied all day while you're riding the coasters. BTW, my six year old loves El Toro. He can ride Skull Mt., Rolling Thunder, Runaway Train and Blackbeards Lost Mine train.
rollergator's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:Toro makes me smile and proclaim, "Give me more!"

Voyage makes me smile and proclaim, "I can't take any more!"

Many people seem to share those opinions. Personally, I could take a LOT more Voyage...but I ain't necessarily right in the head... :)

Starting to see the validity of the claims that Toro's second half suffers from a little bit of a layout deficiency. Nonetheless, the *exceptional* power over those first two hills is enough to put almost every other wooden coaster in its place...behind the Bull. ;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

El Toro's second half is weird...it just didn't seem like it belonged (but I'm glad it's there, don't get me wrong). For 90% of the ride, out and back, and the next 10% is just mangled amazingness. I must say though and I can't say it enough, the ejector air on the hill leading into that section is insane and far surpasses Phoenix's double up-double down. Actually, I think most of the hills do, and that's saying something.

Camden Crazy: Praying for the O's to win the World Series since 1990!


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