SFGA hotel

I saw this on another forum from someone who was at a preseason tour.

They would love to have an on-site hotel, but there are issues with advertising when it comes to the other Six Flags parks in the area that are of concern. It was mentioned if a chain would like to partner with them and build a hotel, they would be all for it.......

the concern is that since there's a Six Flags in MD, and a Six Flags in NY, they can't advertise there for SFGA. So therefore if they built a hotel, which requires advertising to get people to stay in, they could only advertise in NJ/PA.

Then I saw this on another forum.

At the Green Lantern Construction tour I think they asked again about this and it was the same answer
if they find a Hotel Chain to run it and put up most of the cost

Jeff's avatar

Do you have some kind of point?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Vater's avatar

I think the point is that we were correct all along...that an onsite hotel would be successful.

I just thought it was interesting to hear from the horses mouth rather than speculate.

You were correct? That's what you read into it? LOL..... Why would such a "successful venture" fail to attract any investors?

Lord Gonchar's avatar

billb7581 said:

...if they find a Hotel Chain to run it and put up most of the cost

Not sure if it's poor wording or what, but this isn't generally how the big chains work.

They're franchised by investors and run by management companies.

Why would such a "successful venture" fail to attract any investors?

Why anyone hasn't jumped in yet is anyone's guess. I mean, by that logic anything that doesn't already exist isn't a valid business opportunity - otherwise someone would have done it already...and that makes no sense.

Which is exactly why it's become a running joke around here.

If CoasterBuzz needed a thread on this topic, it would already...oh, wait, never mind.

Original BlueStreak64

If a great number of people are demanding some sort of on site accomodation why would this untapped market continue to go untapped?

It's been over 30 years now since Warner Leroy broke ground

Unless you were going to build some sort of conference or convention center or a Great Wolf lodge type of deal, you are only talking about a 3 month hotel, and a conference center in the middle of the woods between 2 military bases and zero ammenities other than a ubiquitos Tanger outlet

Speculation on this forum that it would be successful is not proof that it would be successful nor is it proof that any demand outside of roller coaster forums even exists.

Last edited by billb7581,
Vater's avatar

Who's demanding some sort of onsite accomodation? Furthermore, why do I keep allowing myself to get sucked into the same tired debate?

Speculation on this forum that it would be successful is not proof that it would be successful

Neither is saying that it's never been done is proof that it wouldn't be successful.

rollergator's avatar

The latest Malcolm Gladwell sheds some light on the subject...."Black Swan".

Anyone who has seen a few dozen swans, all of them white, would likely assume that all swans are white. Indeed, their experience has "proven" that to be true. The only problem is that once someone has seen *a* black swan, they know that not all swans are white. A hotel at GAdv at this point would prove not that all swans are white....

Raven-Phile's avatar

What's this? I came in here for an argument. This is all just contradiction.

Raven-Phile said:

What's this? I came in here for an argument. This is all just contradiction.

And he didn't even use the right initials/acronym! I was all kinds of confused at first thinking this was about Six Flags Great America. ;)

Original BlueStreak64

Lord Gonchar's avatar

billb7581 said:

If a great number of people are demanding some sort of on site accomodation why would this untapped market continue to go untapped?

It's been over 30 years now since Warner Leroy broke ground.

Who knows? There are a myriad of factors. None of which have been or ever will be, "Because one hasn't been built yet."

If the valid argument is that someone would have already built something if it made sense, then every vacant lot in the world would remain vacant for eternity.

It's flat-out broken logic.

Last edited by Lord Gonchar,

Raven-Phile said:

What's this? I came in here for an argument. This is all just contradiction.

No, you came here for an argument.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com

Seems like deja vu all over again.

Raven-Phile's avatar

Ensign Smith said:

No, you came here for an argument.

That was never 5 minutes just now!

sws's avatar

Yes, it was.

Raven-Phile's avatar

No it wasn't.

The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the white zone.

sws's avatar

An argument is an intellectual process, while contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.

birdhombre's avatar


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