SFA and ultra twister

Thanks for the map. So Alpine Bob's has been moved to the Krypton comet location, and its former space is empty. Last year, AB was labed as #32 on the map - looks like they just moved it and changed the number, without putting the number 32 by any other ride. Does anyone else see a ride labeled as #32 which maybe I'm missing?

Paint job for Mind Eraser, or was it mis-colored on last year's map?

^last year's map had ME shown with the teal & red colors which we know were changed.

My guess is UT will sit in storage for the time being while they decide just what to do with it,although remember on the 01 map how they had skycoaster shown in the wrong location?

Well, with the prospect of Ultra Twister coming to SFA in 2007, and the previously planned Phase 2 for Hurricane Harbor (as seen on the Detailed Site Planned and marked as "2006/2007"), 2007 could be a good season for SFA. Maybe with Ultra Twister actually on site, SFA will start construction before the end of the season and have the ride ready for opening day 2007...

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

Coaster Lover said:
Well, with the prospect of Ultra Twister coming to SFA in 2007, and the previously planned Phase 2 for Hurricane Harbor (as seen on the Detailed Site Planned and marked as "2006/2007"), 2007 could be a good season for SFA. Maybe with Ultra Twister actually on site, SFA will start construction before the end of the season and have the ride ready for opening day 2007...

Opening day? You were there for opening day '05 correct? It was a disaster. Only the woodies and Mind Eraser were running.

sirloindude's avatar
2004's wasn't much better. Batwing and 2 Face were added. Still no SROS or JJ, at least not until sometime that evening (I left around 3 or 4).

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones


I checked the TR, JJ did open on opening day 2005, but Batwing was suppose to be operational, except, Superman vallied and they weren't letting anyone back into that area. In fact, that's the first time I can remember JJ opening on opening day.

A day at the park is what you make it!

coasterniece said:

Peabody, it wasn't a viscious PM. :/ I don't get angry over subjects such as coasters.

The unsolicited PM:

"I do know what is going on at the park. You will just have to wait until next year to find out, and then when it's announced, you can cry about it. "

Nuff said. *** Edited 2/7/2006 7:06:00 PM UTC by Peabody***

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce

coasterguts said:
I checked the TR, JJ did open on opening day 2005, but Batwing was suppose to be operational, except, Superman vallied and they weren't letting anyone back into that area. In fact, that's the first time I can remember JJ opening on opening day.

Yes, JJ did open, but then it closed. I rode it first thing in the morning, and almost directly when I got of, it launched, then the train rolled back into the station.

Colin Fisher said:

Coaster Lover said:
Well, with the prospect of Ultra Twister coming to SFA in 2007, and the previously planned Phase 2 for Hurricane Harbor (as seen on the Detailed Site Planned and marked as "2006/2007"), 2007 could be a good season for SFA. Maybe with Ultra Twister actually on site, SFA will start construction before the end of the season and have the ride ready for opening day 2007...

Opening day? You were there for opening day '05 correct? It was a disaster. Only the woodies and Mind Eraser were running.

I certainly remember opening day 05 & it sucked like a hoover,Supes vallied of course so naturally they had the whole area blocked off & when they did get it up & running guess what they did for the remainder of the day? staff training that's what.

ME also had to be shut down briefly because some idiot took their belt off on the lift,we were about two trains away from getting on when that happened...had we gotten there any sooner we probably would've been among those who had to be evacuated from the train.Last but not least Roar kept having blocking problems<while Sam was there> interestingly enough after he left the park the ride functioned just fine for the remainder of our time there LOL.

Coasterlover should know better than to predict an opening day debut of a major attraction at SFA,aside from opening day 99 can anyone recall the last major attraction to open on time in the seven years since the place became an SF park? the last new coaster to open on schedule was Roar in 98,at least back then it was worth riding too.

I think he qualified his statement by saying MAYBE with the coaster on site, they will start construction before the end of the season and have it read to open by opening day. MAYBE is a pretty big word in that sentence.

BatwingFan, all I have is the word from management and others the ride was ready to open that morning when it vallied.

Let me elaborate, on that last paragraph. Before the rope drop, I even asked parked management if Superman was open and they said yes. To my surprise it wasn't by the time I got back there. I don't think they would lie to me. I certainly believe the staff was trained and I highly doubt they did any training on it after it vallied since they drug it back in by tieing it to a tractor. *** Edited 2/7/2006 11:24:49 PM UTC by coasterguts***

A day at the park is what you make it!

^ Well I asked if it would open after checking back & seeing the trains in the station & was told by both staff stationed near the entrance as well as a supervisor that they were going to train staff on the ride for the remainder of the day.
For the record, my uncle doesn't work at the park. *** Edited 2/8/2006 2:35:56 AM UTC by coasterniece***

CP was amazing, going back next June to ride Maverick

Sorry, coasternice, I reviewed this thread, you clarified you earlier statement.

Just so we have it on the record, here is the whole thread and page discussing coasterniece's prediction of a 500' coaster.


Might I add, Moosh's saracasm in this thread is some of his best work.

A day at the park is what you make it!

You all are just too much! LOL! This is the best laugh I've had all week.

Is it REALLY that serious? Okay, so what if coasterniece was wrong (not too forget confident) about a 500' coaster...GET OVER IT! It's not like she led us into the desert, and left us to die...chill out ya'll! LOL!

...and coasterniece, I'm sure you know better than that to believe these crazy employees @ SFA. My sister works there...so she knows just how much people lie about new rides...tryna cise the park-goer's heads up. Why would you just take someone's word for it? The truth of the matter is is that employees @ SFA don't find out what's coming to the park until the ride is under construction...then they become informed about the ride, how it operates, who would be operating it, and so on and so forth. So don't be takin' just anyone's word for it...you should know better than that...

But anyways...guys give it a break. No 500' coaster. That's it. Point blank. Yeah I'm sure most of you knew that...and if that's the case, don't press the issue...

...after all..this topic is about SFA and Ultra Twister if I'm not mistaken.

On that note...the maps been finalized, and it proves that Ultra Twister will not be joining the park this season (if ever)...it would be a nice addition though.

PeteSpeed2009 said:
You all are just too much! LOL! This is the best laugh I've had all week.

Is it REALLY that serious? Okay, so what if coasterniece was wrong (not too forget confident) about a 500' coaster...GET OVER IT! It's not like she led us into the desert, and left us to die...chill out ya'll! LOL!

But anyways...guys give it a break. No 500' coaster. That's it. Point blank. Yeah I'm sure most of you knew that...and if that's the case, don't press the issue...

Ok last time I checked, it was only coasterniece that was talking about the 500' coaster, we were just arguing with her, so you shouldn't say you "guys." And you really have no right to tell us to simply "Get Over It" this is a discussion about SFA and Ultra Twister yes, but if were talking about a new coaster, its along the same lines.

*** Edited 2/8/2006 11:25:43 AM UTC by Colin Fisher***

If she wasn't so hard headed this discussion wouldn't be going on right now.

A day at the park is what you make it!

Hard headed? About what? The fact that she believed some lousy ol' SFA employees...whom the majority of them don't even have high school diplomas yet...? She's gullible, it's obvious...it ain't really her fault.

Now it was her fault to spread word like that without proper research, or some type of back up information...but I don't think there's a need to be digging up old graves...everyone knew she was wrong...why fight it?

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