SFA , the sweet smell of funland and army men

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Mr. Papercut said:
The employess didnt care we asked a security gaurd by superman to pick them up off the train tracks.


Up off the train tracks... Glad the *guard* didn't get smacked by a train while picking up your toys.

Mr. Papercut, you're just wrong. If you really can't see how you're wrong, then it's just even more wrong. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

*** This post was edited by coderGirl on 7/18/2002. ***

I've been hit by small things on rides before (watch out for flying pennys on VTBC) and let me tell you, NONE of them felt good. Some of them just stung a little, but some left bruises. Dropping Army men off rides is a risky activity that could cause injury to others. Think about it this way, on PKD and PKI's Eiffel Tower, they instruct you not to drop and objects, or spit off the side. A passerby at the bottom just enjoying his/her day could be hurt badly by dropping spit/pennie/army men\etc...I would have reported you also, thats if i didn't grab you by your neck and carry you to security myself.

Mark W. Baruth said:
...it's that kind of thinking that has teen moms gobbling up welfare money all over the country.

I'll agree that throwing things off of rollercoasters is childish and irresponsible. However, your comment here is equally so. This is a forum about rollercoasters; not about your biases on politics, parenting, or the state of the welfare system. I find your misuse of this forum offensive, and would ask on behalf of everyone that you keep your political opinions to politically-minded websites.


I have an idea…

Next time I go to an amusement park I’m going to take with all the garbage I can find and litter all over the ground? It only has the velocity from my hand to the ground - it can't harm anyone…

I don’t understand how anyone who *loves* amusement parks could deface and litter at them.

I find it especially childish blaming your actions on the fact that you say you’re just 15 – try 8 years old!

Well, first off, there's this whole loose article argument... The ride ops aren't saying that stuff just because they like to hear themselves talk (though, that is 1/2 the motivation at CP ;) )

And, while I'm here, can we put a formal ban on 'the penny trick?' I was hit TWICE in the span of a week (on Magnum and Raging Bull) by idiots who had coins on their legs... Two words, not cool.

How I loathe the stupid people... (Where stupidity is measured by comprehension of rules, suggestion, etc, and the amount of indifference shown. :) )

I loathe math too.

Just plain idiotic. You are a disgrace to coaster enthusiasts.

And I must add which no one else has mentioned is the go-kart thing.

Yeah, real smart. And then to seem proud of it. Proud of the fact you could have seriously injured your friend.

I hope to god im never at a park the same day as you.

Mr. Papercut said:
The employess didnt care we asked a security gaurd by superman to pick them up off the train tracks.

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

Ummm....ive only been at a couple thrill parks and every park i have ever saw has still got hats and everything in behind the fence where the rides are. They dont just "pick" up little army men there boy! That is dangerous...(So stop lying).....but so is what you did on the rides..I agree that is inconsiderate of everyone but yourself. You should be ashamed.

Drive It Like You Stole It!

Ride It Like You Own It!

What the heck were you thinking? Throwing army men of rides is stupid enough, but then getting on the go-karts and spinning your friend out sheesh. No body in there right mind would enter a rides lockout while its going! If those army men got stuck in the wheel you could of been in for a treat when The ride stops mid course for no reason. I am very surpised you were not ejected. A little plastic army man can hurt. Its phyiscs, you know that same little thing that makes the rollercoaster possable.

Next time stay home.

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

Thats what im saying...you give other young enthusiats your age a bad name...geesh...Oops spelled that wrong..lol

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BullGuy's avatar

Mr. Papercut said:

How can you say im wrong i was there and you were not.

I wasn't there when Lincoln got shot, or The Yankees lost the World Series, but common sense says that it was wrong. To throw things from a 200 foot ride is idiocy, and then to defend your action is even stupider. Honestly, what kind of response did you expect to recieve by bragging about this on a website full of enthusiasts?

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at SFCB.

Everyone stop posting to Mr. Papercut. We are giving him what he thinks is much needed attention. What you did is wrong plain and simple. You really need to realize that and not let it happen again. It may be fun but it was dangerous. You dont see any of us going around bragging that we threw things off rides do you? Just no more OK?

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