SFA , the sweet smell of funland and army men

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We got to the park at 9:30 thanks to my little sister being on a swim team but only the waterpark was open so me and my friends sat in the ice cream place till 10:30 for the rides. We lined up to run to roar since everybody was going to run to batwing and gotham city dosnt open till 11:00. We got 2 rides with only us three on it. Then we got off and waited a couple minutes till gotham city opened. We got on jokers jinx and got stuck on the brakerun for 15 minutes. Then we went to superman. Superman was awsome as always getting so much airtime it gave me bruises. then we headed over to batwing we got assigned the front. Cool ride expescially the loop. Then we went to the wild one. This ride is awsome on the way back. Te hill right after the double down gives really great airtime. Then we went on the go-karts. I got kicked off cause I hit my friend hard and he spun out. Then i went to the two face the flipside. Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that on superman,the wild one , and two face we dropped of army men with parachutes. Thanks to the sfa employees for not caring about the job enough to stop us throwing stuff off the rides. We also went on the mind eraser. Then the next day i went to rehobeth beach and at night i headed over to funland. First i went on the haunted mansion. This ride is one really odd ride. First you go through amansion thats haunted than after the living room scene you enter a haunted mine the you go through more doors into a room of glowing skulls. then you go down a drop into hell and almost get runover a bus. I must sa this is a roomy house. Then i went to the sea dragon and chaos. It seems that funland runs the rides real fast including the swinging ship the went real high. I noticed funland was a big pothead hangout cause you could smell it in the air. Tat concludes my trip report. I read eic the red went to so ifyou spotted army men floating down from rides that was me!

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

Mr. Papercut said:. Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that on superman,the wild one , and two face we dropped of army men with parachutes.

Sorry, but that's foolish and irresponsible. I don't suppose that you considered what might happen if the "parachutes" hadn't opened? Getting hit in the head by a piece of plastic dropping from 200 ft could seriously injure you. If I had seen you doing that, I would have demanded you be removed from the park.

No love for the whiners

*sighs heavily* so many foolish immature little kids out there...........what is this world coming to??


You shouldn't have done that. People could have gotton seriously hurt if the parachutes didn't open like Mark said. That was very very wrong!


they only have like a velocity of like 5 miles a hour

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

5mph? WHat is it made out of. I don't think it can have a veloicity of 5mph.


the wind will blow it away anyway, and besides im15 i can be "foolish and irresponsible".

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

Papercut, if the strings had gotten tangled, that little plastic guy would have hit the ground at considerably more than 5 mph-probably closer to 70 mph. Definitely fast enough to take out an eye.

Don't even bother defending yourself. Just apologize and get over it.

No love for the whiners

Wow...all this over someone dropping some army guys from a coaster. I hate to start a flame war, which is what I see this turning into (and so I apologize in advance), but I don't think that's such a big deal either. I probably wouldn't have done it myself, but to each his own (as long as it's not harming someone else, and I can't see a plastic army guy falling 200 ft reaching enough speed to do much more than get someone's attention). If you guys want something to get onto someone about, I've held my 35mm camera on many rides. Now if THAT comes loose it'd probably land me some jail time, or at least a huge lawsuit...

PLEASE READ: This post wasn't meant to offend or anger anyone; I apologize in advance if it does. So please don't post a reply just to rant about it. :)

I don't want to get into a flame war with teens, so let me simply state that dropping ANYTHING from the top of a coaster is ridiculously irresponsible and should be punished by ejection from the park.

And as far as being allowed to be stupid because you're 15, it's that kind of thinking that has teen moms gobbling up welfare money all over the country.

No love for the whiners

well my moms not on welfare!

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

There's another issue here, too. What if those army men and parachutes had gotten caught on the tracks? The next train by would have run over them possibly causing them to get caught in the wheels.

This act wasn't foolish and irresponsible - it was stupid!

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
Favorite Wood: Viper(SFGAm), Legend (HW)
Favorite Steel: MF (CP), Mamba (WoF)

Good point about them getting caught in the wheels. I hadn't thought of that; it could cause trouble for whoever has to get them out (and I suspect that at high speeds those guys would melt pretty fast if they stayed in the wheel). So I stand corrected: dropping army men is a kinda big deal.

But ejection from the park? Not a bad idea IMO, but what about people who hold hats on rides? And people who wear glasses (I no longer wear mine on rides because I've talked to people who have lost them)? And those idiots out there who bring cameras? ;) Sure, intentionally dropping something is dumb, but if we're going to punish people for dropping stuff then the rules need to change from "secure all loose articles" to "remove/leave all loose articles". I think people who are responsible enough to have stuff on rides should be able to have loose objects without worrying about possible expulsion for accidentally dropping them.

I'm not sure I actually made any points in saying all that, but there's my two cents anyway...

PLEASE READ: This post wasn't meant to offend or anger anyone; I apologize in advance if it does. So please don't post a reply just to rant about it. :)

Incredibly Foolish. Then again, small things amuse small minds.

If I had seen you doing this, I wopuld have reported you to the nearest park employee who could've taken action.


Sorry Mr. Papercut, but your at an amusement park. I understand your motives, kinda, but you do not need to do stuff like that to have fun.
Kick The Sky's avatar

I am sorry Mr. Papercut, but I am going to have to strongly condem what you have done. Your actions could not only have caused injury to other people, but they could have cost the park thousands of dollars in damages and that is not funny in the least. I am sick and tired of today's youth feeling they are entitled to do anything they want in the name of good fun and not considering the consequences of your actions.

When I was 15 I would never have dreamed of doing anything so foolish as you have done. If I would have seen you throwing things off of a coaster I would have called park security and demanded that they in turn call the police and have you charged.

I have seen you post quite frequently in these forums and let this serve as my notice to you that nothing you say in these forums from this point forward will carry any weight with me again.


Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

"So you think your'e really brave, gonna see the DEMONS cave.
You silly dude, your'e only food, for the DEMON"

If I had known of my fifteen year old carrying on as you had, it would be quite a few years until they went to another amusement park again. Enforced by both parents.

Those who try to reason dropping objects from a coaster by defending it with stories of risking dropping even bigger items, for pity's sake. One of the big problems today is people 'rationalizing' themselves out of being responsible and following rules. People need to fear and respect these rides, or else Markey and cronies will have their victory.

The ride ops not catching this - I suppose they should go through everyone's belongings during train loading and slow the process down threefold just to make sure that no one could possibly throw anything from the train? Maybe they could even have the park entrance gate security employees there to once again check individuals as they board the train, metal detectors and all. Amazing.

The employess didnt care we asked a security gaurd by superman to pick them up off the train tracks.

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

Mr. Papercut, please shut up. You're wrong. Just don't do it again.

No love for the whiners

How can you say im wrong i was there and you were not.

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

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