SF Worlds of Adventure may be in trouble.

codergirl - Mie is a prefecture in Japan. I'm not positive, but I gather that these are similar to counties. Nagashima Spaland is located in, you guessed it, Nagashima. The town of Nagashima is in the prefecture of Mie.

As to where Nagashima is geographicaly, just do a search for "Nashima Japan" on Yahoo or Google, etc. and you will be able to figure it out from there.

I'm sure that when/if nasai or Peabody see this question they'll be of more help to you. :)

"drop rides, not bombs."

WiCkEd FoRcE said:
Six Flags WoA is building everything at once. And arn't taking time to build anything. If they have new coasters coming they should take the time to build them and build them right.

I bet The Villian was gonna be a all wooden ride at first but since they were building 3 coasters in one year they made the supports out of steel. Maybe im wrong.

Yes...you are wrong. The Villain has a steel support structure so that it could fit into the tight space it was put into. With wooden supports it would have had to branch off over the road which they would never get approval for.

Secondly...if Six Flags built the coasters slowly, you'd ***** about them taking so long. I'm sure they're building the coasters and rides the way the company specified. Leave the building aspect to the PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS...they're the ones with the degrees.


I have no idea why some people are complaining about SFWOA building so many coasters in a short period of time. I think that's great. I think the customer service problems are the same at most SF parks-at least at Magic Mountain. Personally, I don't care too much if a park is themed or not. Just give me some good coasters (but that is just my opinion). I think it's one of those, "If you build it, they will come" type of things. Just look at SFMM. I am planning a cross-country road trip for next year to 20 roller-coaster and amusement parks. PKI and CP were definetly on the list. I just happened to stumble upon the fact that there was a Six Flags in Ohio. I checked the coaster line-up, and I was very impressed. Superman, Batman, and X-Flight? Awsome. That sounds like 3 top-notch coasters to me. I had to put this park on the list. It does suck when it's hot and there is no shade (Disney's California Adventure has the same problem). I don't think SFWOA is trying to take business away from CP. It's kinda like Burger King will never be as big as McDonalds, but they can both be on the same block in an area where a demand for fast food has been established, and they both can still do great business. Instead of going to two parks in Ohio, I'm going to three. I think thats what SF wanted, it sounds like good business to me. The great thing is,I have a season-pass for SFMM, but you can get in to every SF park on the same pass. That's gonna be eight SF parks for the price of one season pass! So anyone who has a SF season pass, who plans a trip to CP might as well make the 70 mile trip to SFWOA-it won't cost them anything for admission. I never even knew that there was a water-slide and a marine park there too-cool. No, I've never been there, but from a pure coaster addict's standpoint it doesnt seem too bad.

Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

I totally agree about the theme issue. Theming seems kinda stupid to me. -Maybe its good for little kids, (gets them used to the whole phoney mall culture at an earlier age)

I have never understood theming, and have always apreciated places like Cedar Point which does very little theming. The best is Kennywood, whose only "theme" is the park itself. Actually, Geauga Lake was good in this respect too. Hmmmmmm

Kennywood may be corporate but it is family oriented. They treat you like family. SfWoA treated us like a assembly line at all the rides. Kennywood takes the time to chat with you. Not saying one is better than the other just that Kennywood caters to the family.

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