Server & seach options

Jeff, I checked the 'About' page while reading Terms of Use. You should consider the exclusive member paying thing to put towards a faster server. I could be wrong if yours IS fast as I don't know anything about them. Just that I've recently been using cable and it takes ages to do a search.

Or there is the advertising which help pay. Wasn't CP advertising? This probably pays for the whole thing anyway. Just a suggestion.

You haven't listed the HDD, what is it? And how much has the site taken up so far? Ta.

Re; the slow search, is it true the more you post, the system slows down? I apologise for going post-crazy now. Been up all night having fun! It's now 6:30am Saturday - 2:30pm Friday for ya.

As for the options, was trying to look for 'what do you do'? Nothing, finally found it, the search engine appears to be case-sensitive. Is that correct? Perhaps list it in options. Finally, is the search only on topics or does it include entire posts?
Home Park - Wonderland Sydney, Australia.
Jeff's avatar
The slow search is a programming issue, not the server. Trust me, the CPU utilization never goes much over 50%, and tends to hover around 12%. It never uses more than 200MB of RAM, and that's a peak times. Regarding searches, which search are you talking about?

You might be encountering some lag because of your location as well. I can ping the server well under 100ns.

The hard drives are a 20 GB RAID. The CB database is about 100 MB total, including forums, sites, coasters, parks, etc.

Advertising barely covers the $500/month in expenses, and I still haven't paid for the hardware. I'll be moving to a new server soon, one that I don't have to manage or upgrade.

Webmaster/Admin -
Forum search. $500/month. Whoa! You're too much mate. Thank you very much for the most excellent site. I'm pretty sure you realise how much everyone appreciates your hard yakka (work). Keep it up! *** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 3/2/2001. ***
Not to complain, but I've noticed that in recent days Coasterbuzz has been much slower than usual. Even with an ethernet connection, it takes a long time just to load forums or go back a page or whatever. Does this have anything to do with number of people at the site at once? Sorry, I'm not a computer whiz so I don't know how much affect that would have. But I have noticed that while I'm on the "members surfing" total has been up in the mid-100's as opposed to the usual 70-100 or so. Or is there maybe some behind-the-scenes repair or upgrade or something going on?
Jeff's avatar
The problem right now is that the site you're seeing is not on the same server as the database that feeds the site. As a result, every call you make for a page has to in turn contact another server for the data. This situation sucks, I agree, but it's what keeps us reading and posting to all of the same data until the domain name flips over to the new server.

In the mean time, if you'd like, you'll find that visiting the site via is much faster, as that's where the new site and data is, all in the same place. should be normal again within 48 hours.

Webmaster/Admin -
It's 7:30am where you live and CB is VERY slow. Is that normal for that time of day?
Jeff's avatar
You may have caught the site during my database index rebuild. I'm working on some things to make the search function of the forums much faster. It's cruising very fast for me right now.

Webmaster/Admin -

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