Self-close feature- I don't want to delete my topi

There are sometimes when I've started a topic and I've had all my questions answered, or all the input I need to make a decision, and there really is no purpose for more people posting in the topic. It would be nice If I personnaly able to close the topic instead of deleting it all together. After all, I want others to see what was said and what information was exchanged. Sure, I can delete my own topic, but I would be better If I could just close it.

It's just my opinion and I'll leave it at that and see if any of the Mod's agree.

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS Please, Feel Free To Call Me Jes!
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure 2002 Ride-Ops Crew (Have Fun Trying To Find Me!)

I do believe this has been discussed before, and the reason against it was because it would cause more problems than it would stop. Bratty kids could get the last word in and just close the topic and other issues rise.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Jeff's avatar

Exactly... if your question was answered and it leads to additional discussion, so be it. You don't need to have the power to shut that down. And Brandon is right on about the last word thing.

Again... leave the moderation to the moderators.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

Say you ask a question and two people answer and you think you have the answer, who's to say they are right. There are plenty of knowledgable people on this site and sometimes more than one answer is probably needed.

I think what Zero-G is getting at is the problem of a question being asked and answered, and then 10 more people reply confirming the correct answer or just wording it different. It can be annoying because it seems to turn into, "Hey, look what I know". Nevertheless, its one of those things that will never go away and, from what I've noticed, the mods have closed topics before where this has happened.

"Look, we all go way back, and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I'll never forget it." "That was our pleasure." "I'd never been to Belize."

*** This post was edited by bigboy on 8/3/2002. ***

Take for example the Six Flags Neglect Topic, one or two answers did not cover the topic, in fact, it stretched out to 5 pages. Some people repeated themselves, but you can't always believe the answer of somebody just because they were the first to post in your thread.

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