I'm afraid of snakes, but I still rode Viper at SFoG and SFMM.
I'm afraid of dinosaurs but I still rode CTX/Dinosaur! at DAK.
I'm afraid of dragons, but I still rode Iron Dragon at CP.
I'm afraid of the internet, but I still surf the web.
Back to SS now...
The ride is called "Screaming Swing", if you weren't afraid then you wouldn't scream and the name would make no sense.
But then there are those who are so afraid of heights that they might panic and maybe even try to get off the ride while its in motion. It's probably not a good idea for them to try to conquer their fear on the Screamin' Swing.
Raven-Phile said:
Some people enjoy the car rides by talking on their cell phones. It makes the experience more like "real" driving....
In that case, they should add a few kiosks to sell makeup and newspapers outside the ride. I see that a lot while driving for real too.
Wild Adventures, however, not so much...I actually tightened my restraints AFTER the op was done checking them.....and I *crave* airtime...;)
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