Screamin' Swing at the point next year?

I'm not arguing that the price would indeed be double. My contention is that a 500 ft. rocket would be far cheaper than a 500 ft. traditional lifthill coaster.

I don't know the difference in price between a cable lift and a chain lift capable of serving such a tall coaster (SD2K).

It would also be interesting to find out the price difference between a lifthill x00 ft. tall and the necessary lift and supports and a tophat of equal height and the necessary launching mechanism, launch track, and supports. This would give us a great example of which technology can get us to x00 ft. the cheapest.

*** Edited 6/17/2005 8:43:55 PM UTC by Incidentalist***

Yeah is Good!
The only parks I know that are getting a Screamin Swing for '06 is Kennywood and Lake Compounce.

They are getting the 32 seaters, and those are the biggest that S&S make right now. As far as I know. Cedar Point needs a new coaster to compete for the one SFMM is getting for '06.


rollergator's avatar

Stanley76 said:
Jump2 anyone??

First build one in FL...then CP can get one...AWESOME ride.... ;)

I agree that a S.S is not a good choice for next year. I think a good dark ride of some type would be cool.

P.S. I just joined CB so take a glance at my post and reply if you like. Glad to be a part of the club.


Coasterbuzzer, if you want your proof look at any structure. If you call of a construction outfit and get a quote on a 3 story building, and the same layout in 6 stories, the later costs much more than double. It's not Legos were talking about! :)

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Yeah, because Legos would only cost twice as much, not more than twice as much, assuming your price per Lego brick remained constant. But if it got tall enough that you'd have to buy a ladder, there's your 2x+ amount and we're only talking about Legos here. ;)

Is it wrong to still like legos when you've just turned 29? :)

Yeah is Good!
Why in the world would they do it? Besides the reasons already mentioned, the big question is still...WHY? What do they have to prove? They are already one of the most dominant parks in the world, how would building a 500'+ coaster make it any better?

Besides, imagine the supports they would have to have for a monster that size. They've had issues in the past with high winds closing MF, (I don't know if that's ever affected TTD). Imagine the lengths they'd have to go to for a coaster of that height. Let's not forget the city of Sandusky, they already have beef CP nearly all the time (currently it's over the taxes!), imagine if they put a 500'+ eyesore up around Lake Erie.

IMO, height isn't everything. TTD is a great adrenaline rush, but not much of a coaster. What would they do with another coaster of the like?

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08!
CoastinKatie, i dont really think that CP is in too much comp. with SFMM. There are pretty fat apart, and SF is nothing but coasters while CP is so much more. In fact, I would not be surprised to see a coaster go at CP. Like somone said above they dont have to prove anything, if they dont have the most coasters in the what, right now it does not matter all too much. They just need to focus on the entire deal, PKI down south is catching up to CPs greatness every well as some of the Bush parks. IOA is a few major rides away also
Look at it this way... Would a 500' lift hill cost more than double a 500' rocket? No. I'm fairly certain you could buy a station, turnaround into a 500' lift hill (cable or chain), drop that went into a full brake run,turnaround into the station for way less than you could a 500' L-TH-B style rocket. And according to RCT3, people would ride it and like it... Would a 500' lift hill COASTER with enough track and elements to make the lift hill worth while cost more than a 500' rocket? YES. Some have argued that MF and TTD cost $25 million apiece, and TTD is obviously 110' taller. But, if you break that down, TTD is only 2800' long, which breaks down to $8900 per foot of length. MF is around 6200' long, or $4100 per foot of track. So, you see, if you want to take that 500' rocket and make it into something more than a L-TH-B, it's gonna cost you a TON of money. You could take that same money and build yourself a 500' coaster that runs from Cedar Point to Geauga Lake, has a seperate station to unload and load and another 500' lift hill to send the train back to Cedar Point with guests from Geuaga Lake... Also, think about this... How deep into the ground do the footers go for TTD? How deep would the footers go for a 500' monster? How deep can you really dig at CP without problems, being on a peninsula and all? Maybe we'll never see a 500' coaster at CP, it may not be structurally possible...

"You think you know me..."

Just about everything is structurally possible. It's the economics, environmental impact and impact on other rides you gotta worry about.

Forget the 500 footer, a screamin' swing is a stupid idea. Why put one of those in right after maXair? It's a Screamscape rumor folks ... I'll listen when the Lemon Chill guy chimes in.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
I may be wrong, but wasn't a lot of TTD's 25 million cost used for the launching system?

Humoring this rumor for the moment...

Let's set aside the "why" of this rumor. Let's talk about the "how." There are only a few places that a ride of this magnitude could even be built. If they are being conservative with the land they have, they could increase the lift hill angle to something like 60 degrees, it would somewhat cut down on the footprint of the lift hill, but not by much in comparison with Millennium Force. We all know how long that stretch of track is as many of us have driven past it on Perimeter road. So now we would have to think about another possible location of a straight stretch of land to use (just for the lift hill). We would have to assume that Intamin would be the only company that could build this, since they have said that they could build a 750 footer. At 500+ feet there's not much you can do with a coaster other than having giant hills ala Apollo's Chariot because the radius of any turn would have to be incredibly massive. So where could the only possibility of something this big and long be built? I would have to say either the beach or parking lot. And I seriously doubt they would be willing to ruin the beautiful beach or pull a Six Flags and put it in the parking lot

So in conclusion, don't even humor this rumor.

Should the title of this thread be re-titled something like "New Wild Rumor from Screamscape?" Nevermind, the current title is probably the reason this thread hasn't been closed yet...:) *** Edited 6/18/2005 12:15:09 AM UTC by CPgenius***

It's still me, here from the beginning back in 1999. Add 1500+ posts to the number I have in the info section if you care about such things.
Ok, here is my 2 cents worth. I think they will go for something new, that they don't allready have. Here is what they have; Rocket, 300 foot, 200foot, 125 foot racer, suspended, standup, 2 woodies, looper, mineride, lim launch, inverted, wild mouse, and whatever you want to call DT {bobsled? I guess}. So try to think about what is left, any ideas? I am not sure.

Been going to the Point for over 30 years and still love it!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to see a nice B&M hyper that goes along the beach, and out over the water.

I would hate to see something being built for a record, just put in something different.

- Josh

When you give, you begin to live... - Dave Matthews
Why would they build a hyper when they have one...*the* one...and have for years? Along with a Giga? That wouldn't be putting in something different...
I agree. A nice MS Spinner, a killer woodie, etc. There are many killer coasters that would be awesome at CP. to market something that's not the "-est" That's the challenge.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Which is why you market as park with the *MOST*, Jeffry ;).
"The Most-est coasters in the world!"

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
The one record that I think would really be nice to see CP break. Is the record for most inversions on a rollercoaster. It would be unlike the other rides at the park for sure!

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

As I've said in another thread, tear down MS and replace it with a racing/dueling coaster with a jr. woodie thrown into the mix (ala Stampida) and put a spinning coaster back there ta boot. Add a few flats and that area will spring back to life.

Another type of coaster I'd like to see CP add would be a water coaster like Poseidon.

Yeah is Good!

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