Robb Alvey's Coaster Season 2001video

p_c_r, yeah...good point about the cameras on the rides. If the parks got a hold of this video, couldn't they prosecute the people for this? I mean they would have evidence of the camera on the rides [from the footage] as well as people standing up on the coasters. Couldn't someone get in trouble (lawsuit-wise) for this?

Mayday - Memorial Day Weekend - Nonpoint, Nickelback, Oleander, Staind
Ozzfest - June 8 - Drowning Pool, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Black Sabbath
Awake Tour- June 15 - Darwin's Waiting Room, Puddle of Mudd, Deftones, Godsmack

I just ordered both the videos on Thursday night and Robb emailed me saying they should be here by around Friday (Jan 11) so I haven't even seen the videos yet.
IMO the videos sound very entertaining and even after reading a lot of the negative feedback about the videos on this forum, I still think I'll enjoy the video no matter how corny it is. Hopefully its not a complete blow out or horrible movie, but I don't think I'll be dissapointed. Then again, I haven't even seen the vids yet....................
Phantom's Revenge Rules, to order or purchase the videos, just send an email to Robb's email address, and tell him you want to buy either both the videos or just one, the second video features more parks and coasters I guess. In the email include your mailing address and Robb will send you the videos by mail. Once you receive the videos you send him either $10 plus shipping and handling for one video or $15 for both which includes shipping and handling. You can also visit to check it out for yourself!
Six Flags Marine World..... Theme Parks taken to a whole new level.

*** This post was edited by Marine World Freak on 1/6/2002. ***

Or if you don't like the videos, by all means, send them back!  I wouldn't want someone to pay for something they don't like.  This is why I've always chosen to use the 'honor' system!

*** This post was edited by Robb Alvey on 1/6/2002. ***

CPgenius: Didnt Robb just say that he got the parks permission before he took the camera on?

Even though I have never seen the movie, just from the pictures they look lke a group of fun people and I dont see anything wrong in what they were doing? Lighten up people...


Getting to take video on rides isn't always a violation of park rules. Now, given that I know when not to take a camera on rides (I always ask first. If they say no, I store it away), but there are also instances that clearly show relaxed camera policies on rides.

 Ever been to Jazzland? The day I was there, they MADE us take our cameras on the rides. They don't allow loose articles to be put off to the side. Almost ever ride I rode in the park that day, I took POV of. One in particular even surprised the heck out of me even.

 Six Flags Magic Mountain has a very relaxed camera policy on rides as does Six Flags Over Texas and some other parks I could name. If I wanted POV from a ride that I didn't know in advance the camera policy, I will ask a ride operator, or management in advance. If a ride operator says that it is cool to shoot footage or take a couple of pictures while riding after asking in advance, that doesn't mean I am taking advantage of the ride operator. Ride operators should know the safety policies of a ride and if they don't, they shouldn't be working there in the first place. If there is a manager present, I will ask that person.

 Robb, you did a great job with your video and I love to watch all three of your 'home movies' videos .

 -Sean (who is just not saying that because he is in all three........he just knows a good video when he sees one) 

Thanks for clearing those things up for me Robb. Although I personally have no interest in the video, I do realize all the hard work you must put into this when you don't have to. Perhaps I got the wrong impression becuase of things that I have heard(never really a good idea). So I apologize about the "self-satisfied" comment. Good luck with your video and I wish you an equally successful 2002!

September 11th, 2001. We will never forget. Peace!

Sean F,
When asking permission, as long as it comes from management & not an op, that is good permission. But IMO, these kinds of filmings should only take place during ERT type events, because one person sees another person doing something, makes 'em feel left out. Places that offer the oppurtunity are being neglectful in my eyes.

As for Jazzland making you take your cameras on the rides, like I said before, it's not the parks responsibility to make sure people have good situations to film under. They can't all-out say no cameras allowed in the park, they expect people to put loose things in lockers(if they have them) ior something, & I'm sure that rule doesn't mean please film while riding.

Seeing people with cameras on the rides makes me nervous. It's not something you have to do, it's something a handful wants to do. Duct tape, out of the public's eye.......

Under this standard, I can break any law, rule I see fit for myself as long as nobody else notices, or gets hurt, or if I ask a certain strategic person for the kind of permission I'm looking for, or something.

GhettoCoaster, sorry....but when I opened this topic, for the first time, and read all of it, it took a little bit of time. I wrote that reply before Robb's post was on my screen....

...but theoretically, the question still stands. Would it be possible for a park to sue someone if they have footage of violating the rules, such as taking POV's and standing up on rides where it is against the rules?

Mayday - Memorial Day Weekend - Nonpoint, Nickelback, Oleander, Staind
Ozzfest - June 8 - Drowning Pool, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Black Sabbath
Awake Tour- June 15 - Darwin's Waiting Room, Puddle of Mudd, Deftones, Godsmack

*** This post was edited by CPgenius on 1/6/2002. ***

i dont really know what all the fuss is about, i LOVED the videos.  i myselft dont like nsync what so ever but like someone said above, it all fits with the situation.  and just because the 'season' tape had many inside jokes (like maybe the 'wheres the castle' thing) i thought they were pretty damn funny since im the type of person that does that myself.  also i was quite pleased that he had windjammer on there, i never rode it and i always wanted to know what all the fuss was about it being so bad, no i know (you can even hear the banging sounds as the cars hit the misalligned track, such as after the first block brake).  anyway, AWESOME job Robb & Elissa, im so gonna buy the vids next year...
The comment was definitely made, and I have a witness (he was the one who purchased your video by the way). In fact the comment was made after several of this years incidents were brought up-Goliath, Perilous Plunge etc. Both of you were sitting in the last seat on S:ROS (we sat in front of you), and her lapbar was way off her lap. Being that many of the hills on S:ROS have high airtime, especially the first drop which features strong ejector air from the last seat, we were concerned. I didn't expect the response we got, that's all.

Until you get a parking space with your own name on it, you're still part of the GP.


I can't say I agree with your opinions but I do agree that it isn't a park responsibility to provide a area for people to video tape in. I don't think anyone questions that.  Jazzland has a very relaxed policy. There are no signs stating that cameras are not allowed on rides, but there are signs prohibiting other things being allowed on rides.  Each and every ride I rode with my camera, I was told that if I wanted to shoot on the ride, it was my responsibility to hold on the camera, and if it was lost, there was nothing I could do about it.

 I fully agree with this. I take full responsibility for what I shoot, how I shoot. If a park manager, or ride op is going to give me permission to shoot POV on a ride, I trust myself well enough to know the smart way of doing things. Out of all the times I have shot POV, never once has anyone behind me objected or thought I was getting special treatment..

 Shooting POV is something no one NEEDS to do, but like you said, they want to do. I see nothing wrong with shooting as long as it is in a safe manner, there are no objections from the park or staff.  I think a ride op can provide permission as well as management. If I question a ride op and still am not sure about it, then IMO, the management of the park is somewhat guilty for not training or teaching the correct rules.  Like I said before, I have no problem being told that I can't shoot video, but if I ask, and am told I am allowed as well as it's my responsibility, then I don't see a problem with it as long as I am not putting my self in a unsafe manner, or anyone around me.

 I personally don't know of anyone that will purposely ask a ride op for permission just to get around some sort of management cloak.


An amusing anecdote about on-ride shooting...

I was at Kennywood in 1998 for the NAPHA convention. We had an ERT session on the Jack Rabbit. I asked the park rep who was hosting our group if I could shoot video on board. He asked the rides manager. The rides manager left the decision to the lead operator, who said "yes". Personally, I think that was an appropriate chain of command, but then I am a big advocate for having empowered, responsible ride operators.

Incidentally, after the camera run, I stuffed the camera into my waist pack for more ERT fun. I was in the back seat, and as the train hit the double-dip, the camera bag hit the floor. Fortunately I recovered the camera. For my next ride, the bag was empty and the camera was back in my hand where it was safe. And that's why my current camera bag (smaller than the one I was using back then) has *two straps* on it.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Hi There Everyone!

I'm the somewhat it seems "infamous" Elissa White.  This is my first time posting so before I get into this I just wanted to say hi to everyone.  And please realize that i'm not some scary, too good for anyone "media whore".  I just recently got involved with all the enthusiasts after being in ACE for over 5  years.

So anyways, on with my response.

Lapbars- I never do anything to keep my lapbar up.  Those who have ridden with me know that I don't carry a belt pack, or where big clothing so I don't "trick" operators into leaving my restraint high.  Everyone out here knows that sometimes they just do that.  Many people can also attest to the fact that I have pulled my bar down when I've felt unsafe and even pulled down the bars of several of my friends when I felt they were being unreasonable.

Standing on Rides- If anyone watches the video carefully you will see that I never actually stood up on a ride.  I never got out of my restraint (ok well Thunder Mountain was close but what could I do, Robb's bigger than me and yes, I made sure that no kids were around me when I did that.  enthusiasts were in our whole car surrounding us.)  I think it's ridiculous when people try and get out of their restraint.  A lot of times if the original audio could be heard on the video you would hear me say something like "I don't understand how someone could wiggle so hard to get out of the restraint, I can't even conceive of that, it's so difficult!"

The Mexican comment- Ok, again this is something that was obviously heard out of context by someone who doesn't know me.  There has always been a somewhat inside joke about californians having aneurysms on rides.  Then it evolvoed into women having aneurysms, then mexican women having aneurysms. Then when a californian, mexican woman dies on a ride (and at that time no one was quite sure why she fell off) we made a joke about the aneurysms again.  Now I know some people don't feel joking about any death is appropriate and I'm sorry if you heard that and were offended.  I am not against, women, mexicans, or californians (allthough you have to wonder why they all love Goliath so much!! =))

I really think that it's hard to put out 74 minutes of anything that won't offend somebody.  There are inside jokes in the video and i'm sure that by not understanding them  you might think that Robb, I, or any of the other people in the video are different from how we are in person.  I encourage you to hang with us, let us know who you are, introduce yourself...we're not untouchable, we're just normal people who probably spend too much time on roller coasters!

The video is a home video, people seem to like it though, we're not "hamming it up" for the video, that was our year!  This is what we watch and look back on and say "Wow, remember when we drove up there at midnight and McDonalds was out of mustard?"  Robb even went out of his way to do a coaster footage video this year with only pov and onride that people seem to like. But I can tell you, when we sit down at night we watch the Season video.

Thanks for listening.  Feel free to email me or IM me anytime to talk or yell.  Just try to be nice, I am a hormonal chick and get upset that people say bad things about me that don't even know me!=)

Elissa White

Stupid question I know... Where can you get this video? How much is it? Is it really that good?

Links please..

Although I'm a SFMM 2001 season pass holder, I can't ride X because I'm from Europe :(:(:(

Welcome aboard, Elissa.  Good to see some of those clarifications.
"The questions ticket agents ask at airports are useless, but give an illusion of security to the GP. Much like seatbelts on roller coasters...
My page
Wow! There's even brains behind all that beauty; a rare combination indeed. Welcome.
A Nigerian Muslim sharia court sentences a pregnant woman found guilty of adultery to be stoned to death, but only after she has finished weaning her baby.
This is known in some parts of the Muslim world as compassionate conservatism

2Hostyl said:
Wow! There's even brains behind all that beauty; a rare combination indeed. Welcome.
A Nigerian Muslim sharia court sentences a pregnant woman found guilty of adultery to be stoned to death, but only after she has finished weaning her baby.
This is known in some parts of the Muslim world as compassionate conservatism

lol, i so agree.  i think it would be a total blast to hang out with them, only because i am SO much like them (its scary really).  i REALLY hope im able to see them at a park someday :) aren't going around proudly calling yourself the Sexiest Man on RRC anymore?  You seemed to be having a lot of fun with that at Oc-Boulder Fest!
Bomb Squad Technician

If you see me running, try and keep up!

Coaster 131,

 LOL! That whole "bit" was kind of a big joke to that whole post. I had stopped reading RRC by the time that thread hit and someone told me about that thread the night before I left for that trip. I actually got a big kick out of it.

 One thing you have to know about Robb (when he isn't trying to grab my rear) is that he loves to just randomly stick his camera in the face of unexpecting people.That way, he gets unusual quotes from some people. To this day I don't know who posted that "sexiest' post, and I still can't believe Robb put it in his video. I feel so stupid for saying it. =:^)


You are just as guilty of being a media wench as I am of being a Rail Junkie. =:^)

-Sean ( nice job on the 'new' segment by the way)

Before I add my comments, I will let you know that Robb and I did email me, and I responded to his comments offline. I did remove my initial comment also.

Now, as far as my other "bad" comments about the video, I din't mean any harm. I was just trying to let people what they would be hear and see on the video. If you were at some of the events on the video, you'll probably feel right at home. I did laugh at many of the things on the video, including the amount of money to get in SFOG, any ride at SFMM being better than Goliath, the Vekoma engineer at SFA etc. Like I said, I did know many of the people in your video "hamming" it up. I did also enjoy footage of parks I've never seen like Legoland.

Until you get a parking space with your own name on it, you're still part of the GP.

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