Replace the post count with date joined?

Just a suggestion.
Jeff's avatar
I could just put both. I do stamp every membership with the date.

Webmaster/Admin -
The reason why I ask is to eliminate any 'competitions' you know?
I agree with Taipan. It may turn into one of those one of these days. I hate going to thrillride only to see people with posts like "500th post!". Well whoopty doo. You don't have to post a lot to be known around here. Heck, there are some newbies who have more posts than I do. But, that doesn't make my posts less important.

"Your love is like a roller coasta' baby baby, I wanna ride..."
If love is like a rollercoaster, doesn't that mean you should be happy ALL the time? ;)

Shawn Bailes
110 Drumline
This site was never a site of competition. If people feel the need to be recognized for posting a thousand times, this is not the site for that. Notice how there are never any "1000th post" threads? If they come around, we nuke them. Who cares?!?! It's just senseless noise.
I think the post count is a good feature to see the integrity of comments posted by members, I think it should stay.

Kevin said:
"I think the post count is a good feature to see the integrity of comments posted by members, I think it should stay."

I agree to a certain extent but there's nothing stopping someone from adding coasters at will to their count. In fact, some members add coasters they "intend to ride" at some point. So, don't use the count as the sole source of determining a persons integrity.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
DEK, they're not talking about the coaster count, they're talking about the number of times someone has posted on CoasterBuzz. Some people tend to put comments in topics they don't really care about just to add to their count because they think it makes them look... whatever, I don't know.

This is why Eric over at URC got rid of the "Top 20 Posters" list on his site. It just makes noise.

They should add links to every single post you've ever made. That way if you have a fan of your posts out there he can check up. Or you can check up and see if anybody had a reply to your reply or dissed you or something.

I am a roller coaster FIEND!
paladin, you can type the memeber name of whoever's posts you're reading in the search box & it will come up with their latest posts & topics.
I think it's a good idea to keep post number. It's more meaningful than date joined, because if you're joined 6 monthes ago and have 10 posts is a lot different than if you joined one month ago and have 100 posts. Isn't this site about member contribution as well. The post number shows that. Now I have a lot of posts, but I've never mentioned that mine were any more useful than the guy with 10. And it also shows me I need to get out more. ;)

Date joined is a fine addition, but I don't think it will be meaningful to many.

Danny, who doesn't really care if post number is there or not, but it's nice to see
I think its a great idea. And yes... i was one of those idiots who did the "look, its my hundredth post thing" and ive since learned, lol. And if you want to know who actually knows what there talking about on here, just lurk for a while, the start posting. thats what i did.
I'd like to see the date joined in the info of a member. It could help with knowing if someone is full of it when they post a somewhat far-fetched rumor. If they have been here for one day vs. one year, it would be easier to tell if they are just here to make noise.
Ok, the real reason why I suggested this is because I had to re-register & my new profile got nuked again when my ISP went belly-up. Just click on my member info at the top of this thread & you'll see there is no info available. I've registered again & only have posted a few times.

I just don't want to be seen as a 'newbie' you know? See my info says otherwise, just by looking at the member number & post count. I'm not pleased about this seeing as I joined 8-9 months ago (originally member #2615) and have posted about 750 times in total.

How about member ratings? To show if the person is new, experienced etc. You know what I mean.
The member ratings goes back to what I said earlier:

"This site was never a site of competition. If people feel the need to be recognized for posting a thousand times, this is not the site for that. "

My interpretation of member ratings falls back on this. Like handing out a trophy, or something.

I don't see why it would bother you that you had to re-register, thus making you 'seem' new. I was originally number twenty something, but due to my multiple personality disorder, I renamed myself and now I'm number 2799. And it doesn't bother me.

Stick around, you'll get to know which members are are full of unsubstantiated noise, and who isn't.
True, I already know who is full of it & who isn't. Thanks for clearing that up Neil.
Well, the deed is done...Thanks Jeff.

Your best? Losers are always whining about doing their go home and ******* the prom queen.
Quick! Break out the champagne! A suggestion that actually has been taken up! :)

Seriously, thanks Jeff.
What is it about people that always thinks "the more the better?" A person can post on here 100 times and say nothing… or they can post once and say something really insightful or profound.

One of the other coaster sights with forums (I won't mention any names… but it has recently become no more) even went as far as to create special categories (complete with picture icons) for various number of posts… and when that started the boards were filled with more noise than you can imagine.

Personally, I could careless on the number of times someone has posted… I am more interested in what they say, not how often they say it. Its just like parks… I would sooner go to one with two good coasters than another with 5 mediocre coasters.

One last thing… someone mentioned above about track records and not being "accurate". I found something very interesting… before it even opened, Phantom's Revenge had a handful of people who had it on their record (same with Williamsgrove's Wildcat). It always intrigued me how that was possible. As stated, I guess some add their "wish list" to their "actually ridden" (if that would be the case, I would be nearing 200, and not the 30 to 40 something I have actually ridden). Worst case… on the old World of Coaster's sight they had a section where people could rate coasters. Before it was opened, even before it's structure started to rise from its footers, several people rated Hersheypark's Lightning Racer. Unless they could see the future, or have traveled in time, I would really like to know how this is possible.

Oh well, got off topic on that one, Sorry.

Don't quote Latin. Say what you have to say and then sit down.

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