Repetitive Posts

I am not sure if this is exactly feasible with as many posts that are put up every day on the site, but I am sure it is not just me that notices the extreme number of repetitive posts and locked posts as well. Would it be possible for someone to be able to review the posts before allowing them to be posted. I realize that that is the point of the lock feature, but it seems to crowd up the board unneccesarily.

I just know that I, personally, am getting really frustrated with the repetition on this forum as well as just the amazingly retarded posts by all the relatively new members. I mean how many forums can we have about whether or not the long stretch of straight track on The Beast should be modified? Come on people.

Just a thought.

"Punks are non-conforming conformists." "Preps rock my Docs." "Tell them about how I'm defying gravity. God! I can't get that song out of my head."
Jeff's avatar
That's really not necessary. The whole idea is for the forum to operate in real time. If you find that people are that "retarded" you should stop visiting the site.

A "forum" is the entire board. A "topic" or "thread" is one single subject.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Ride of Steel's avatar
Moderation is definately being done here. Sometimes, IMO, too much, but to complain that there isn't enough and to go through each post before excepting it is really pushing it. I mean come on, it's not like it's some official business board, it's just a bunch of coaster lovers talking about coasters, thats all. It doesn't have to be perfect, but the moderators keep it clean and thats all they have to do, not any more like the ideas you said.
I get on this site virtually every time I get on the internet, which is just about daily. In the past three years since I've discovered this site, I've never seen a post about altering the straight track section of The Beast. If I missed it, I'm sorry for offending you so much with a repetitive post. I was just curious as to what other people thought. My bad.
I thought that thread was a good idea.

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

TTDragster14 you're so right about posts being so repetitive. In fact, I've read numerous posts very similar to this. This thread about being repetitive is repetitive. Hmm!

Jeff and other mods (sorry I don't know who you are), please take a chunk out of your leisure time to do more work so we don't have to read so many retarded threads. Thanks!

Wow, we really can't win. Some people will complain about how overmoderated this place is (even going so far as to talk about how it's a "violation of free speech" (hint: it's not)), and other people think we need MORE moderation.

There are several inherent problems with having an approval process in place, not the least of which is the moderators all try to have SOME semblance of a life outside of CoasterBuzz. I know I don't even TRY to read every post as it is, now imagine if at least one of us HAD to read every single one. Forget any resemblance of a real discussion, because posts would build up and then appear in massive batches. (Actually, not unlike digest formats on mailing lists, I suppose.)

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Jeff's avatar
I stopped worrying about people criticizing moderation years ago. Here's an example of someone complaining we don't do enough. Frankly 99% of members just let us take care of things and decide if something has been covered recently, and that works. Provided they don't check in hourly, it gets taken care of.

Of course, you still have people complaining in other forums two years after they did something about how we shut everything down and blah blah blah. Whatever... on the rare occasion something gets closed, it's obvious why, and it was probably something a regular like Mamoosh or 'Gator did. You don't see them crying (at least, I don't think they're crying, unless they're crying inside).

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Moosh and Gator are seeking counseling because of this.

They are mentally distraught. :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

you should know, Scott.... aren't you part of the same support group?

Nice new profile pic.....

We meet every Tuesday at 4:00pm for our sessions George.

You can join us if you feel you need help to. :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

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