Refusal to add my site

Hi Jeff!
First let me say that I have full confidence in and fully respect the moderators, Jeff, and coasterbuzz and do not want to cause trouble. But I was wondering why you guys won't add my website to the coasterbuzz directory.

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
Jeff's avatar
I haven't had time to look at the queued sites. Forgive me for having a life.

Webmaster/Admin -
I understand that you are very busy but I submitted it a while ago.
Jeff's avatar
I'm sorry, how much does this site cost you? That's right... nothing. I don't owe you anything. I'll get to it when I get to it.

It is mind boggling that anyone would ever make that kind of statement. Who the hell are you to ***** and moan about the free service that I offer? Maybe you haven't been playing along, but I have far more important things to deal with in my life right now than reviewing someone's site for inclusion in the database.

Read this. Lather, rinse, repeat:

Webmaster/Admin -
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 4/5/2001. ***
Whoa! Chill out Jeff!
Let me repeat :First let me say that I have full confidence in and fully respect the
moderators, Jeff, and coasterbuzz and do not want to cause trouble.

I read that website and and I also know what is involved as I operate a free website provider. I realize you don't own me anything and appreciate the work that you have done and are continuesly doing. Your hard work really shows. Sorry. btw, I saw in the newsletter that you are sick. I hope you get better.

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