Record brakin obsessed

What about Blue Streak? By the way, on the so called trying to break the record: Magnum, Raptor, Mantis, Mean Streak, and Millennium Force all have turned out awesome, with the exeption of mean streak. They are all on top 10 coaster polls everywhere. If you have the money and the room, why not build an awesome coaster.
"I feel like I'm stuck in Stand By Me." - The Ataris
I know that a CCI is slim in chance for CP. Why?? Because the GP does not like wooden coasters that much. I know so because CP has polluted everybodys minds! Since like a good portion of people go to CP thry think that all wooden coasters blow because of Mean Streak. That's because they hvae never been on a good woodie! I know of people that think wooden coasters are stupid I hear people saying that on wooden coasters!!!

Jeff's avatar
A good coaster is a good coaster. Can you say Villain? Ask a member of the general public what the best coaster is at SFO and at least two-thirds will tell you Villain.

Did I mention Dick likes Ghostrider?

Webmaster/Admin -
I was talking about CP, not the GP at other parks.

Parks with small coaster may be doing OK, but the Mega parks like CP and SFMM want to do better then OK.. They want to attract LARGE crowds from a larger geographical area. Think about it, if you want to ride 110 foot wooden coaster, how many parks can you go to? Those coasters are all over the place. But if you want to ride a 250+ foot coaster, there are only three places to go, and they are each separated by several thousand miles. A big coaster sets a park apart from all of the other smaller parks.
And a side note on Kennywood – If Kennywood had the budget to build a record breaking coaster, you know that they would. I don’t think the people at Kennywood said “Hey, coasters are getting to big, lets make ours smaller.”

I agree with Jeff on Villain at Six Flags Ohio. It's amazing standing near Villain and hearing the crowds cheering and clapping when the train is coming back to the station. Batman and Superman don't get that reaction. Leaves me with hope for the general public after all...

well technically the thrust air coasters are not roller coasters at it would not be counted as a coster if you look up the deffinetion of a roller coaster. however they are trill rides.
How is Thrust Air not a coaster. It runs on rails, and it is powered IN PART by gravity. Just because air launches it, gravity takes over the rest.
Jeff's avatar
Don't even start to go there...

Webmaster/Admin -
coastepunk: unless I'm mistaken, GCI already has the record of most crossovers (26 Roar-east). At least that is what Adventure World (now SFA) claimed in '98 when Roar was introduced.

Regarding the actual topic of this thread, the majority of people (GP & Coaster lovers alike) enjoy larger thrills. I mean why else would Raptor be a better rated ride than B:TR or RR better rated than Chang?

Also, it is eaiser to justify building a 'smaller' (100-120ft) woodie than a similar sized steelie. The big woodies (Mean Streak, SOB, Rattler) seem excessively rough to a great deal of people. Furthermore, the recent great mid-sized woodies (Shivering Timbers, Ghostrider, BoulderDash) are all either they biggest of very close to the biggest coasters in their parks. A Zeus (Big Chiefs) sized CCI right next to MF would seem like a baby ride (at least from sight, it would likely ride wonderfully). Therefore, the larger parks have to either add record breaking or innovative ride because they have set a standard for themselves. Smaller parks have a little more leeway in that respect.
Ghostrider has forever changed the way people look at Knott's. It's success is very similar to Magnum's, yet it's only 115ft tall. You think all parks don't want that kind of winner(including CP)? Like Jeff said, a good coaster is a good coaster. Don't get so caught up in park hype. 100ft, 200ft or 300ft, great coasters come in ALL sizes.
This Website in my opinion is great for rollercoaster enthusists (sp?). It lets you learn about new parks, and also new rollercoasters, that you would not have known about unless you lived near them. One example would be Shivering Timbers at Michigan Adventure, I would not have learned anything about this supposed "world class" rollercoaster if my friend never told me about this site. This site in a way helps the smaller parks get some great patronage from great guests that would never have ever gone to their park if they never got on this site. It is almost like free advertisement for the small parks.
Like they say word of mouth, or rather typing, is better than any paid advertisements.:)

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