Record brakin obsessed

I am kinda gettin tired of parks that are obsessed with braking records. Mainly CP and SFMM. Parks like MA, Knoebels, and Holiday World aren't record braking obsessed and they do fine!!!!! I think that coasters should gradually progress and get bigger. I think the industry is moving a little bit too fast. We are gonna reach our limit too soon. Look at coasters like the Villain, Ghostrider, and Shivering Timbers. They all rated some of the best, and are not the biggest!! Also notice how they are all wood? How many steel coasters that aren't hyper or giga and son't have inversions been built lately?? Like none!! I love hypers and gigas, but coasters can be great but not be huge!! I realize this post is poorly put together, so sorry. Basically, I am trying to say that parks that aren't obsessed with brkaing records are doing just fine.

Broken records + Coasters = free advertising and big bucks. It really dosen't do anything for the ride.

"...If We don't get you there in five minutes we don't get you there at all. ~Dispatch Master Tran
Not every park is obsessed with breaking records. Look at Kennywood and Phantom's Revenge.

With Steel Phantom they went for a ride that set a record. They got it, but ended up with a ride that WASN'T as good as it could have been. Now, with Phantom's Revenge, they're not going for the biggest drop or fastest coaster, but instead they're aiming for a good ride. That's what it's REALLY all about.

--Greg, who's actually amused at the people who are UPSET with Kennywood for being smart and staying out of a pointless arms race...
Yeah, I agree with Magnum is sinking! that record brakors do create a lot of fre advertising. Just imagine all of the buzz that Millenium Force and Steel Dragon 2000 created.
I think that Craig the Coaster Freak is right when he said that the industry is moving too fast because we are going to reach the limit too soon, and then what will we do? I think I heard someone say that the maximum speed a roller coaster can reach is 120 mph. Millennium Force and Steel Dragon 2000 are only about 30 mph away from this. While I love the new technology that is coming out, and I thought Millennium Force was great, I do think this industry is moving a bit too fast, which may or may not be a bad thing.

you know what i think that we are not moving to fact i think we should keep going...look back about 50 years, all they could do with coasters was build them with wood and people fantized about being able to do what we are capable of doing is changing, and fast! with new technology we can do bigger and better things with these coasters. i do agree that some parks are in a little hurry but should not stop this new improvement in coasters. they sacrafice millions and millions of dollars to put this technology out because it drives customers and people to the park.
Well you shouldn't complain, 'cause without parks having the desire to break records, we wouldn't have rides like MF, SOB, Goliath, Alpengeist, and Steel Dragon.

Goliath: The most intense Hyper in the world.
Soggy's avatar
The trouble is just because a coaster breaks records, does not mean that it will be a great ride. Look at SOB, it is huge. But what is the best year 2000 woodie? I believe Boulder Dash, The Villian and The Legend all rank higher in "coaster enthusiast" polls than Sonny.

On the other hand the General Public is a fickle bunch. While in line for Ghostrider, I was talking to the guy in front of me about how great the ride is. He came back with "Yeah, but it can't compare with Magic Mountain's Colossus." I explained why GR is a superior ride and he just said "But Colossus is bigger!" I politely suggested a ride in the back seat of GR and see if his mind was changed, I watched him, he rode in the middle. When will they learn?

It is pretty obvious that if a park has the money to put up a record breaker, they will, and the rest is money in the bank. Both from the enthusiasts as well as the lion's share from the GP. Local news, advertising, even bad press gets people thinking about coaster records, and if they can ride the record breaker, they will.

Gotta ride 'em all!
I'd love to see GCI build a record breaker. For most crossovers. :) Imangine a GCI like a mile long with like 50 crossovers even if it was only 100 ft. tall with 2 lifts. Have it on a small area of land too There would be SO much wood you wouldn't be able to see the layout! Now that would be a record breaker! :)
__Anyone else have my idea? :)

Parks hit for 2000!
I wouldn't say CP is "Obsessed" with breaking records. CP wants to give the fans the best rides they can, record breaking or not. I'm just waiting for a park to get a coaster with a 90 degree drop.
There are already parks with 90 degree drops.
Actually there isn't. If you're thinking Vertical Drop coasters, they have an angle of 87.5 degrees.

CP's Overrated
No there are not parks w/ 90 degree drops, the steepest drop in the World is OBLIVION in Alton Towers in the UK, and the angle of descent is 87.5, from a technical stand point that is NOT vertical.
Actually, there are, mostly at Six Flags parks. I believe they're mainly LIMs that have some vert drops. And if those don't really count, then next year's Hypersonic at PKD will feature 90 degree vertical ascent and fall. *** This post was edited by Everdred on 8/20/2000. ***
Oh yeah I totally forgot about the Thurst Air coasters. I'm stupid, forgive me.
I agree about parks wanting to break records. Cedar Point is the biggest example I can think of. Don't get me wrong...I love the park... but CP planners live to break height and speed records. Ever since Magnum, with the exception of Disaster Transport, every single coaster CP has built has been the tallest and fastest of its type.

What scares me is I believe CP will never get a CCI or GCI, because these rides hover around the 100 foot range, and both companies have stated that they don't want to build tremendously tall rides. With CP's obsession that every ride they receive has to be the tallest and fastest of its type, CCI's and GCI's just don't fit in. CP really needs an excellent wooden coaster, and I would love to see a CCI or GCI there, but I'm afraid it will never happen.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if CP is done with wooden coasters because of the bad experiences they've had with the Mean Streak. On some TV special I saw, I remember Dick Kinzel (Cedar Fair CEO) talking about how steel coasters are so much more cost-efficient to maintain and more popular...etc. So who knows???
Jeff's avatar
Yes, but Dick was also quoted as saying, "Every park needs a Ghostrider..."

I've been saying it for a long time... a CCI is in Cedar Point's future.

Webmaster/Admin -
I think CCI is in the future of CP. Rumors are FLYING regarding the boardwalk project. And a CCI is part of that rumor.

Goliath: The most intense Hyper in the world.
MooreOn, you forgot about Woodstock Express.
If CP does get a CCI, I hope they put it in MeanStreaks place. Cause if they build it in the plan "Boardwalk" site. I would never ride MeanStreak after that, it would be pointless to me!

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