Re: Taking Photos While On Rides

Ahhhh I see it now:

New in 2005 Mangnum XL500 NEW And Improved! Key features, digital 360' camera built into the car. While riding, riders can take pictures of everything around them including themselves with a joystick during their experience! Riders then just pay and print the pictures they want after riding!

...hey it could happen...I call dibs on the patent ;)

"The Future of Roller Coasters" -RollerCoasterGod [url=""] Ohio Theme Parks[/url]
janfrederick's avatar
Better hurry. ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
It's not a question of true danger or not, it's a question of public and legal perception of danger. One indicent with enough press will make the most harmless activity "dangerous" to the general public and one incident that could have in any way, feasible or not, been prevented is "dangerous" in a legal sense, which translates directly to expensive lawsuits. So, it's not worth it for parks to allow cameras - taking away money from their on-ride photo sales and presenting an opportunity for bad press and lawsuits.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
For the simple fact of lawsuit potential, I would think that the parks' insurance company would want them to stay away from activities like this.

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