Let Santa know so that you'll get it for Christmas, and maybe something extra with the money he saved! ;)
Happy Thanksgiving!
"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
She told me of a near riot at Sears over (of all things) $10 gift cards, and many, many arguments inside Sprawl-Mart due to a total lack of crowd control. Thankfully, she heard this second-hand while in an hour-long line elsewhere.
And it's crazy how people actually read fine print on Black Friday to see if they actually get deals, what time the deals are available, etc. etc. I work at a video game store in the mall, and the stores (except the department stores) weren't allowed to open before 8am. Well my video game store had people beating on the glass "cage" to get in... cuz the advertisement circular said something like, "All deals begin at 7am!" Sheesh.
Tommy P.
Anyway, I bought a Gamecube from Circuit City. The whole process took about 10 minutes...;and that includes me browsing.
lata, jeremy
BTW: to be on topic, I bought the GC with money I *was* going to spend on RCT3, but since it's so buggy....
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