Random Babble Forum

CoasterBuzz has an RCT Board, Coaster Board, and Trip board...But maybe Buzzers have other stuff on their mind also.

Why not adding a Forum where you can talk just about anything, of course without all the NOT NEEDED stuff. Where people can talk their heads off about anything, like, age, live, stuff like that, without disrupting the Coasters Forum.

Many might agree or dis, but it seems like a good idea.
HaVe YoU hUgGeD yOuR rOlLeR cOaStEr ToDaY?
OoOoOo...Rolly Coaster!
Favorite Coaster: HyperSonic XLC!
Here's one of many threads exactly like this one:


Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

Closed topic.

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