Question for Jeff

Ok, sorry for being of topic here. I was just wondering if you ever answer people when they Instant Message you. I don't mean to bother you, I am sure you are a very busy person. Just wanted to say hi and how great your sites are. Anywho, just wondering.
Jeff's avatar
I use it for work mostly. If you're not on my buddy list I generally don't answer. There aren't enough hours in the day as it is.

Webmaster/Admin -
I know how you feel man. The days keep getting shorter and shorter. Ugh, to be a kid again.
LOL, "To be a kid again" Metrock you're as old as I am. Makes it sound like you're in your 30s-40s

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually
Jeff's avatar
If you're 18 and you've got problems, you'll never make it past your mid-twenties. You still are a kid!

Webmaster/Admin -
LOL, I knew I would get that reaction. But it is still somwhat true. I mean, I miss being in elementary school, care free and wild. Now, I got to worry about a job and what I am going to do now that I am out of school.

For some reason, I have always felt older than I am. In highschool I was always telling people to grow up and act mature. Anywho, you are right, I am only 18.

Hey Randy, it is nice to see another Leo in the house. What is the date of your birth? Its not the 10th is it?
*** This post was edited by Metrock on 2/6/2001. ***
Don't forget when you went to the parks you didn't have to pay. Thats what the parents and grandparents were for. :) You could also run around like a nut and people wouldn't give you a second look. ;)

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
Run around like a nut? Back off man, I still do that :) (I am the one that dances on the midways).
2484.2 miles from Akron to Bremerton, WA- home of MxPx

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