
Why does the picture of Jeff's wife remain on the homepage for so long?  This is a coaster site, not a "lets look at Jeff's wife site".  Personally, I find it more annoying than the ads...

If I join CBClub will it be taken off?

Just so you all know, iF I dont get off this website alive, I just wnat you all to know that I love you!

*** This post was edited by DaSkylor222 on 1/14/2002. ***

Its his site and his wife,.....If you dont like it go to some other less informitive web site???????
Maybe Jeff is proud of his wife and wants to show it. Also, her article is the last feature so it will remain until there is another one. k?
CP! Still the coaster capital of the world in 2002!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!
I don't see how something like that can bother you so much.  What would you think if it was a picture of your spouse?  
Jeff's avatar

When I think about what I want to put there next, I'll change it.

Just when I think I couldn't be any more boggled by what ridiculously minor things bother people, someone goes one step further.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Well my mom walked into the room and thought i was lookin at pics of her...
Out of the coasters i've ridden here is wat i rank them overall:(ive been to canobie lake and SFNE)
1. S:RoS 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Riverside Cyclone 4. Canobie Corkscrew 5. Thunderbolt 6. Galaxy 7. Mind Eraser 8. Dragon coaster 9. poison ivy's tangled
"Shakes head in disbelief".
""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""
DawgByte II's avatar
I swear, some people registered on Coasterbuzz are truly retarded. Not immature (although that too), but just plain retarded. I feel like I'm losing IQ points reading their posts sometimes!

...they either ask or say the dumbest things without actually thinking about it first before posting it.

...It's here, it's here, it's here!!! Whooptie-freakin' doo!!
Ok, what's new for 2003?? I can't wait!!...

HA HA.. make it a poll question!  LOL  (trying to add humor to a stupid topic...sorry)
God please let SFKK get something in 2002. ANYTHING!!
I'm sorry if my picture (and associated featured article) offends you, DaSkylor222.

Now go away.

roofle at stepahnie's post.  *thumbs up*

*** This post was edited by ravenguy98 on 1/16/2002. ***

I don't unerstand what the bid deal is.  its always been that way.  one feature article pop up, time elapses and another one takes its place.  its the way things have always been and its the way they will probably continue to be.  if your mom thinks you're looking at pics of her then show her the forums that contain talk of coasters, not Jeff's wife.

on a side note, my roommate was looking at the screen when I scrolled past the pic.  he told me to stop and said, "nice!"  I informed him that she was married, but apparently that doesn't matter to him.  Jeff, be on the look-out for a 19 year old from MI.  he's coming for your woman ;)

Knott's Berry Farm Cuba ~South Park

Picture of steph....where?  I'm a club member so it must not be on the club site...why don't ya join and see if it's there or not.  I've never met stephanie so I'm not sure what picture you're referring to.  Is the pic on the first page when you log in? ;)

I've just seen the future...what was I saying?

stoogemanmoe's avatar
You know what DaSkylor222? You Annoy me! You are the weakest link! Go play in traffic!!
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)
why is her last name Gall ?

Go Full Force

Its probably her maiden name. She wasnt always Stephanie Putz.
"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL
Jeff's avatar
She still isn't. It's the 00's, man! There's no reason a woman has to take her husband's name.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Maybe she didn't want to be a putz. hehe ;)

Go Full Force

Jeff's avatar
Wow, after living with that name for 28 years I've never heard that one before. How incredibly clever.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

never knew that ever existed as an actual name. you could always use Gall.

Go Full Force

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