When you post a message on CoasterBuzz, pressing the Post Topic button takes you to the first page of the current thread, which now includes your new contribution.
Clicking on "Quote" changes the URL of the message posting page so that you get a version that has the message you're quoting already in the text entry box.
I would think that after you "quote-post" a message, you would be taken back to the thread, with an empty posting box at the bottom. It seems that the quote URL is getting left behind, so you end up getting bounced back to the new version of the thread...but with the message you previously quoted already in the new message box.
I'm not certain this is the most desirable behavior.....
--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM
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