Post Pandemic Riding

So while a vast majority of us coaster riders are stuck at home for a few months, I had an interesting quandary - What will be the first theme park you visit after pandemic passes? For me its either gonna be Hershey Park because I have never been there. Or it will be Kings Island during Gay Pride Night so I can go ride Orion. What about the rest of you?

Are you MAN ENOUGH to ride this ride ?

Probably Disney or Universal since the traffic on I4 has never been better. Then a $19 Frontier flight to Cedar Point and/or Kings Island.

If this thing runs well into the summer, and parks lose a good part or all of their operating season, there may not be a lot of parks to choose from when it's all over.

We'd planned on a July family vacation to Los Angeles, where we were going to go to Knott's. Thankfully, we haven't booked anything.

If that doesn't happen, maybe SFOG or Dollywood later in the year.

Jeff's avatar

I'm in no hurry to join those dirty tourists. 😂🤮

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Schwarzkopf76's avatar

HoliWood Nights at Holiday World booked!

Jeff said:

I'm in no hurry to join those dirty tourists. 😂🤮

Call us what you want but we still fund your state.

Jeff's avatar

That's very true. Doesn't mean I have to be next to you and your churros. 😊

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

It appears B&M has already updated their coaster design for the post COVID-19 world...

Bakeman31092's avatar

Definitely Cedar Point. We had a much larger trip planned that included Toronto, CW and Niagara Falls, but that has been scrapped. Don’t know if a CP trip will happen this year or next year, but it’ll be first.

Likely a trip to San Antonio for Sea World and SFFT.

OhioStater's avatar

Cedar Point is the easy choice for us. We still have standing reservations for 5/31 - 6/4, so after that gets cancelled it will be a nice redeeming quality to celebrate a return to family park hopping. We need to find our brick!

Timing is everything. We did have an epic Meyer family vacation planned to Disneyworld this Spring, but decided to cancel just weeks ago and put if off for one more year. Today would have been our "make your fast-pass choice" day.

It will be really interesting to see how the park handles it's shifted opening...if that indeed happens at all.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Depends when it becomes possible to travel again. I suspect that might be a while.

OhioStater- Think of how many FastPasses you’ll be struggling to get a year from now. With so many new attractions on the way and open by then it’ll be just awesome!

As for my triumphant return to amusement parks, we’ll have to see. I’m usually a single rider, so in the interest of personal space I may decline to get in a line for anything anywhere, or feel the discomfort of some random jumping in next to me on a coaster. If I go I’ll be just as happy to stroll around, keep my distance, and not mix it up. I do that a lot anyway.
To keep others’ screams from washing over my face, maybe I can score that front row, end seat on Orion, with an empty seat between me and next guy. Otherwise I’ll wait.

I've heard from a friend that Six Flags has informed staff that their parks will remain closed through at least April 15. Same friend has heard that parks are working with a trade group (I assume it's IAAPA) to have a unified re-open date to avoid having a park or chain jump the gun and try to one up other parks with an earlier opening.

Jeff's avatar

Not to overlap threads, but I just don't see any world where anyone can really make a call about when they will reopen. All of the current optimism is going to evaporate in the next few days as the US case count grows exponentially.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

kpjb's avatar

I don't see parks nationwide coordinating a single reopen date. What if this clears up on the west coast weeks before it does on the east coast? Is Magic Mountain going to be ready to open and wait another month just because Dollywood isn't ready?

On top of that, some parks that were already operating may be in better shape to open immediately than those that were still in off-season mode.


Schwarzkopf76's avatar

kpjb said:

Is Magic Mountain going to be ready to open

Is Magic Mountain ever really ready to open? teehee :)

Schwarzkopf76 said:

kpjb said:

Is Magic Mountain going to be ready to open

Is Magic Mountain ever really ready to open? teehee :)

Schwarzkopf76 must be a huuuuge oak tree because I could have sworn he just threw shade at Magic Mountain <G>

Are you MAN ENOUGH to ride this ride ?

Jeff said:

Not to overlap threads, but I just don't see any world where anyone can really make a call about when they will reopen. All of the current optimism is going to evaporate in the next few days as the US case count grows exponentially.


On March 7, Ireland had 19 confirmed cases. Today it has 557.

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