PM System

I think a private messaging system would be a great addition for coasterbuzz.  At, they have this feature and it's wonderful, you can get to know people and talk about other interests without causing a flame war or anything like that. What do you guys think?
"you give me the most gorgeous sleep that i've ever had and when it's really bad i guess it's not that bad" Underneath it all- no doubt
Do you mean like a IM or private chat feature?  That would be nice, but in the end it is Jeff who will program it into the site.  Im no expert, but I am guessing that this would take a while.  It is a good idea though, it would help you get to know the people in your area better. 
"If somebody throws a rock and knocks a man off his donkey, do we say that he's stoned off his ass?
Jeff's avatar
The next version of POP Forums will have private messaging as one of its functions. It essentially creates a topic that only the sender and receiver (and moderators) can see.

Don't ask for a time frame... I go by the old game developer motto: "When it's done."

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Jeff, that is an old moto. How long has 3D Realms been saying that about Duke Nukem Forever? 5 or 10 years now :P
I have no signature.
SWEET!!! That's really works great on other forums and it's a great way to talk about things with people you want to get to know who share the same interests as you without causing a flame war or anything like that.
"you give me the most gorgeous sleep that i've ever had and when it's really bad i guess it's not that bad" Underneath it all- no doubt
mods will be able to see the PM's??????????????? that shouldnt be! other forum systems, NOBODY except the recipient and the sender of the PM can see it!
Mods should be allowed to see the PMs.  If anyone uses the PM system to harass another, the owner of the sight could be dragged in to the mess.  Therefore, because the administrator is responsible for what happens on his sight, he as a responsibility to be able to monitor the PM.
And what would you want to hide?  If you were to bad mouth the Jeff or any one else that works on this site, you should have no right to use his FREE services!
Anthony Clauser
Anthony: no body here has said that the mods will close a PM if you're badmouthing one of the staff.  they said that the PMs will be monitored so that if someone is harassing someone else it can be stopped.  and even if you did want to badmouth one of the staff you could simply get another free service and badmouth them with someone outside of CB.  besides, this PM hasn't even been created yet.  why not worry about it when it comes out and everything about it has been finalized?  that way you'll know what you're talking about and you won't sound like an arse.
Knott's Berry Farm Cuba ~South Park
Jeff's avatar
Abuse is abuse, regardless of where it happens. We have pretty high standards here (relatively speaking).

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

PM's cant be closed they are like emails
Jeff's avatar
Sure they can be closed... I haven't written the software yet.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

i meant make the PM system like the one on vBulletin or ikonboard

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