Please visit the smaller parks

I certainly add my vote for Waldameer, Conneaut, Idlewild, Holiday World and Camden. But I'm worried about Camden. The others are thriving despite their small size, but Camden seems to be in decline. I saw West View and Rock Springs go through the same phase and all of a sudden they didn't reopen the next season.

MagnumForce said:
I've got 3 parks for ya

Big Chiefs Carts and Coasters

Indiana Beach

Holiday World



CCI'S BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 11/28/2001. ***

Definately, those CCI's are awesome. Great air and laterals on almost any of their coasters. Michigan's Adventure is also pretty small, even though I haven't been there, I believe there's some coaster there called Shivering Timbers that is supposed to be good. Raven, Legend, and Cornball Express are all in my top 10.

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

john peck said:
"Anyway, Please continue to visit these. Don't buy food at Burger King. Have lunch at the park. Buy a T-Shirt and some Ice Cream. Pay full price and don't complain. It is crucial that these small parks remain for years... for our children to enjoy."

And who are you? "The Great god Who Ordains All Enthusiast Behavior"? (good thing I aint an enthusiast ;))

Seriously, that's the most asinine statement I've ever heard. Why should *I* sacrifice my money by avoiding discounts to help someone else's ****ty business? If they are doing *that* poorly, then to Hades with them. Sorry, but apart from Wrigley Field, there are few of these institutions that I get all "nostalgic" over. If it's a good and well run park, it will keep visitors regardless of its size (see KiddieLand and Santa's Village near Chicago). But if it keeps losing money due to either being unwilling/unable to change or simply being in a bad location, then I say "Drink some prune juice and let that shit go!" (borrowed from Ludacris).

If you like those parks, by all means, go to them and have a blast. But dont try and dictate the behavior of others. As if you have some great insight that no one else does...
--still wondering why folks are so enamored with teeny parks...

It is far from my obligation to visit a small park like these. If I enjoy big coasters, I'm simply not going to go.

Texas Coasters... wow I'm lucky... IM me if you feel like talking about coasters.

All ridiculous hyperbole aside, if you like the small parks, go. If you don't like them, don't go. But should you find yourself in a world of corporate parks that are dirty, poorly maintained, and poorly managed, don't complain. You reap what you sew.

Proud CB club member

2Hostyl said:
Seriously, that's the most asinine statement I've ever heard.

And that's coming from someone quoting Ludacris. :)

Why am I enamored with small parks? I usually have more fun, and feel they are a better value.

I honestly would rather spend a day at Indiana Beach, Knoebel's, or Holiday World than at any of the mega-parks I've been to.

Do I feel it's my duty to go to them? No, it's my choice.

"drop rides, not bombs."

I agree. However, what Jeremy was saying is that if a park is doing so poorly that it NEEDS people to go out of their way and pay when they wouldn't want to otherwise, then perhaps it's time to let go a bit...

Not that Jeremy ever needs help in supporting his statements ;)

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
My page

I know what Hostyl meant, I was just being an @ssh0le for the hell of it. :)

But I do favor the small parks.

"drop rides, not bombs."

*** This post was edited by chris on 6/10/2002. ***

Mark W. Baruth said:
All ridiculous hyperbole aside, if you like the small parks, go. If you don't like them, don't go. But should you find yourself in a world of corporate parks that are dirty, poorly maintained, and poorly managed, don't complain. You reap what you sew.

"super parks" have been in buisness for over 50 years now. Yet, we still havn't seen the demise of the small parks you are enamored with.

Texas Coasters... wow I'm lucky... IM me if you feel like talking about coasters.

Mark W. Baruth said:
"All ridiculous hyperbole aside, if you like the small parks, go. If you don't like them, don't go. But should you find yourself in a world of corporate parks that are dirty, poorly maintained, and poorly managed, don't complain. You reap what you sew."

I correct myself: THIS is the most asinine statement I've read.

You see, this statement is based on the underlying assumption that INHERENTLY smaller parks are cleaner, better maintained, and more expertly managed than corporate parks. But clearly, this is not case.

How many smaller parks are cleaner than DisneyLand?
How many smaller parks are better maintained than Paramount's Kings Island?
How many smaller parks are more efficiently run than Cedar Point?

One need not be a smaller park to have these advantages. Conversely:

How many corporate parks are dirtier than Big Chiefs?
How many corporate parks are worse maintained than (oh lets' pick one...) Quassy Amusement Park?
How many corporate parks have worse management than Visionland/Pigeon Forge/any other park that soon wont be operating...?

Yep, that's about what I thought!

Bully for the Holiday Worlds and the Kiddielands and the Santa's Village of the industry. Those are parks that will make it because THEY ARE GOOD PARKS. But being small doesnt inherently make them better. Nor does being big make SFGAm, IOA, and BGT inherently suck.

I'd love a day @ Holiday World about as much as a day @ IOA. And I'd lothe an entire day @ SFKK as much as one @ Big Chief's. Unlike when women say it, in this case, size really doesnt matter ;)

john peck's avatar
Well Jeremy. I agree with a portion of you opinion. (and I am not quoteing you) The portion being that if they can't grow enough no matter how they try, to just let go. Sure, I think that is a consideration.

As for everything else, could you have said it a little nicer? My words are purely a suggestion ("crucial" is a strong word).

I find it amusing that your writing reflects your maturity.. but thats MY opinion.

Wow, I'm so honored to be the victim of yet more hyperbolic statements, and spoken in such a kind, mature fashion. Somebody's been reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

In no way am I suggesting that large parks are always poorly run any more than I am suggesting that smaller parks are always well run. I'm simply stating that you should support those parks which are known for strong performance in all areas, including, but not limited to, cleanliness, friendly staffing, and outstanding ride selections. If that is BGW, which it is, then go there. If it's SFKK, which it isn't, then don't. I don't think that John was suggesting that we all go to crummy parks either, rather that we support the small parks that are doing it right. Bravo, John.

As far as sacrificing your money to go to help someone's business, perhaps if you're the type that likes to drink Starbucks Coffee, use the latest version of Windows, etc., then by all means continue to support those that would prefer that parks like Holiday World didn't exist and allow gum walls and vandalism to be the rule, not the exception. I haven't visited many smaller parks, myself, but I intend to rectify that situation immediately, while still enjoying the large parks that provide excellent fun.

--still wondering why people allow themselves to be herded like lemmings for ridiculous prices

Hyperbole.. while you try to make out with the statement that somehow by suporting large parks I am both a lemming and that I am going to turn the entire amusment park into a gum covered, mass of vandalisim.


--Still wondering why people allow their thoughts to be controled like fools

Texas Coasters... wow I'm lucky... IM me if you feel like talking about coasters.

i havent got a choice but too go to the smallest park ever, here in new zealand, rainbows end, went there the other day and got my first ride on an intamin

it was a giant drop though

X-Flight gives you wwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggsssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lake Winnepeseskapauh or what ever it's called. ;) I'll definitely hit "Lake Winnie" at least once this summer. It's near Chattanooga about 1.5 hours north of Atlanta. I've heard it called "Knoebel's of the South" and look forward to it.

My two favorite coasters are named Superman.

john peck's avatar
Lake Winnie is an excellent park. It's surviving like all the other non-themers. Attracting picnic after picnic of large companies. There are so very many small parks that are great, but they are indeed poorly run. Camden has had it's share of mis-management, but now it's doing a lot better. Coney Island, though small, is doing remarkable as well... just on the picnic business.

If you don't like small parks, then don't go. But as a coaster enthusiast, and a lover of coasters, I am going to hit every single one.

If you knew anything about me (and how could you as you are all God knows how many miles away from me and have only contacted me via computer) you know that being "nice" is only slightly above listening to Celine Dion albums on my list of "Things I must do". (no offense to Celine Dion fans ;))

But Mark (and yes I *am* picking on you) your last post "once again" is slanted as if to say gum walls and vandalism are ONLY a function of the size of the park. STOP SAYING THAT, because it simply isnt true. When you finally *go* to Big Chief's, take a good look around the Cyclops queue, I think you'll see plenty of gum. When you finally *go* to Knoebel's, look at the back of the ticket booth and see the MASSIVE smearing of the "RAD" hand stamps. Gum and Vandalism are the product of STUPID PEOPLE not the size of a park.

How much vandelism do you see @ HersheyPark?
How much gum do you see @ Sea World Texas?

Your first two paragraghs of you last reply I actually was persuaded by into agreement. Then in your final paragraph, you went off on a tirade and completely undermined your "support those parks which are known for strong performance in all areas" thesis.

So I am directed to the conclusion that, much like a neutered dog, you dont get it.

I think my work here is done :)
--leaving on a high note

You're painting with a much wider brush than I am, Jeremy. Nowhere in my last paragraph did I state that all large parks were guilty of such crimes, nor did I state that all small parks were innocent. I simply stated that I prefer to give my money to parks that do things the right way, whether they be megaparks or family operations.

I've never been to SFA, which I believe is your home park, but I've seen you fervently defend that park while others have bashed that park's operations. I can't speak one way or the other on the park, and I have no idea whether you are right or if the detractors are right, but from a distance it seems as though you are more enamored of the SuperBatParks than of the smaller ones. You've said as much in this thread. So if you want to continue to go to those parks, go ahead. I'm not saying you're wrong for doing so. What I am saying is that you're wrong for insulting others with differing opinions.

I view it this way: I'm a jazz fan. I would never EVER download jazz, or any music for that matter, from the web without paying for it, because I feel as though I'm stealing from the musician. Another person may feel that it's okay, and that it's not hurting anyone other than the mega record companies. I disagree. I think that John's statements about paying full price, etc., fall into the same category. By supporting the smaller parks, you are helping the "true" entrepreneurs and those who embody the spirit of the rollercoaster fan.

I don't feel the need to make personal, emotional attacks when defending my position. I enjoy a spirted, topical debate, so you can pick on me all you like :)

Proud CB club member

2Hostyl said:

Mark W. Baruth said:
"All ridiculous hyperbole aside, if you like the small parks, go. If you don't like them, don't go. But should you find yourself in a world of corporate parks that are dirty, poorly maintained, and poorly managed, don't complain. You reap what you sew."

I correct myself: THIS is the most asinine statement I've read.

You see, this statement is based on the underlying assumption that INHERENTLY smaller parks are cleaner, better maintained, and more expertly managed than corporate parks. But clearly, this is not case.

How many smaller parks are cleaner than DisneyLand?
How many smaller parks are better maintained than Paramount's Kings Island?
How many smaller parks are more efficiently run than Cedar Point?

One need not be a smaller park to have these advantages. Conversely:

How many corporate parks are dirtier than Big Chiefs?
How many corporate parks are worse maintained than (oh lets' pick one...) Quassy Amusement Park?
How many corporate parks have worse management than Visionland/Pigeon Forge/any other park that soon wont be operating...?

Yep, that's about what I thought!

Bully for the Holiday Worlds and the Kiddielands and the Santa's Village of the industry. Those are parks that will make it because THEY ARE GOOD PARKS. But being small doesnt inherently make them better. Nor does being big make SFGAm, IOA, and BGT inherently suck.

I'd love a day @ Holiday World about as much as a day @ IOA. And I'd lothe an entire day @ SFKK as much as one @ Big Chief's. Unlike when women say it, in this case, size really doesnt matter

Quassy has been running fine for 86 years and counting, thank you very much. Cannobie Lake, Lake Compounce, and Quassy may not have the best selection, but as the oldest in the country, they are being very well maintained. I have never had a visit to Cannobie, where they have a single ride closed for maitainance during the season. I've never had a trip to Lake Compounce where there were rides closed because they were broken down. Compounce rarely ever has a ride closed except for low staff before school lets out, but they don't need it anyways, because unlike a your coperate park that will just say "I'm sorry it closed for the day," Compounce's staff will walk you over to that ride and run it for you. They know that their goal is to keep the guest happy, not take $42 for admission and $10 for parking just to drop you in a park with 12 rides closed and you stuck in line for single train coaster operation. All while they sit their and count their money.

Also compare prices for soda below(not including tax)

Lake Compounce: Free

Quassy Amusement Park: $0.25-$1.40

Whalom Park:Could get one for $0.85

Funtown Splashtown USA:$1.35

Cannobie Lake:$1.65

Six Flags New England:$3.00

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

2Hostyl said:
"Bully for the Holiday Worlds and the Kiddielands and the Santa's Village of the industry. Those are parks that will make it because THEY ARE GOOD PARKS. But being small doesnt inherently make them better. Nor does being big make SFGAm, IOA, and BGT inherently suck."

No, it just makes them different. And it's the difference between the two experiences that has made me grow fond of the the smaller parks.

Put my three favorite "big" parks (Hershey, PKI, and Knott's) next to my three favorite "little guys (IB, Knoebel's, and Holiday World)," and I'd pick the small one if I had to pick one or the other. That's not to say that I don't enjoy myself at the big parks, or that they inherently "suck." Hell, I enjoyed both of my visits to SFKK this year (one was even open to close), and that's supposed to be "one of the suckiest."

But then again, this is all "comparing apples and oranges"... :)

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

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