Plain Post Default?

Is there any way to make Plain Post your personal default instead of the Rich Text mode? I like to have a little more control with things like quoting, signature, etc. Perhaps you could put it in the "Edit Account" page.

Joshua Wilcox
Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.
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Look to the left middle on the outside of the reply box. There is a green text that says "Use rich post box" or it will say "Use plain post box."

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*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 9/1/2001. ***

Yeah, I know about that. I was talking about making it the default mode so that pops up like that automatically.
Joshua Wilcox
Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.
Jeff's avatar
That would be a minor change. Any JavaScript gurus want to tell me how to set a cookie to expire a year from now? That one function I use JavaScript for, and I hate it because I don't entirely know how to use it. :)

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
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You know, that would be a nice feature, but I don't know JavaScript that well.

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