PKI Expansion

Den said:

Personally, I think PKI should open a special park just for us enthusiasts...

You know, this is hands down the best post i have read in months.

If the shoe fits, find another one.


You my friend are one sick individual! I love it!

Danny and Bill, Nice way of joining in the humor.

I forget who was with me during this (I know Shaggy was) but on Easter of 2000, John, myself, and a couple of others got to watch the first humas ride Son of Beast (at least we think they were).

This one guy comes up to us and starts going on and on about how bored he is with the 'dangerous' coaster at the park and he knew for a fact that Son of Beast would NEVER open to the public because it had a loop. There were a whole slew of comments this dude was throwing out at us and we ended up having great fun with it acting like we believed his every word. It sounded like he worked on one of the rides in Coney Mall and 'knew' what was good for the park, more than the park actually knew.

I don't remember if it was John or someone else, but someone said something to him and he ended up basically running away. I don't think it was offensive, but something that was funny enough that we were all crying because of the humor. Perhaps John can add more on this. All I know was it was a very odd converstation.

I applaud those that provide humor in the form of outrageous rumors that make for some fun times while at a park.

Mamoosh's avatar
Den - POST OF THE YEAR, hands down. I used to think I was funny until then. Thanks for the laugh ;-)

2002 - the year of IB's LoCoSuMo!!

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh on 3/19/2002. ***

I regret reading Den's post during class, as I'm still trying not to bust out laughing.

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

I am not going to get involved in the WHAT PKI NEEDS issue as I believe with anything they do, It will have it's critics..

IMHO, of the parks I've been too, it is one of the best large parks out there. IOA and BGW are in that mix.

There is room for expansion from the Climbing Wall all the way up to the maintence buildings behind Racer but so far it is un-needed and also could put the nightly fireworks in jeopardy. For FearFest they let you back in that area and some of the land is people friendly if they built parallel to Racer, A couple bridges might be necessary (AKA BGW) but I could in the future see a coaster or two on the north side and possibly some other rides on the back side of Racer but thats the parks decision as not mine. I could also see a coaster of some type built from the White Water Canyon area over towards Beast and behind TR:TR but again, thats up to the park. My wishes would be a terrain CCI :)

I too am dissapointed when a ride is removed, However people just shout this out that it is a B.S. move ect without even looking into reasons. Many of the flatrides that KI started out with were very old. The Tumblebug came to Coney in 1926 and was over 50 years old when removed. The Barvarian Beetle was a capacity nightmare at KI as far back as 1975, I know, I waited, and waited, and waited :(

I think it took a few years for Paramount to figure out what they wanted but since 1996 IMHO they have made all the right moves for a park of its size and crowd. Last year was the best IMHO by adding 3 new rides and thinning most of the other lines by doing so, Its a great combination IMHO. You get some family rides (Flume, Reptar ect) Followed by some superthrillers (Drop Zone, FOF, SOB) and the patern repeats.

I also like the layout of PKI, I go about 15-30 times a year and often walk from one end to the other several times a day and am not overly beat by days end, CP two laps and my legs hurt so bad I can hardly walk.

Yes, maybe I don't ride Votex or KC (RIP) on every visit, but some rides I never get bored with and enjoy myself very much doing the things I like. Never was this more apparent than the last sunday last season, Early rides on Beast, FLyers, FOF, Followed by a couple afternoon rides on SOB and several more rides on The Flyers made for a very fun day despite the park being as busy as its ever been!

All in all, what I am saying is why drive yourself crazy over what you don't like and enjoy what you do?

Chuck, who even rides Face Off early sometimes and the Gold Pass makes this ride very much worth the non wait on those days :)

Charles Nungester
167 coasters and hopes to be over 200 by the end of 2002 :)

Sean F. said:

I forget who was with me during this (I know Shaggy was) but on Easter of 2000, John, myself, and a couple of others got to watch the first humas ride Son of Beast (at least we think they were).

This one guy comes up to us and starts going on and on about how bored he is with the 'dangerous' coaster at the park and he knew for a fact that Son of Beast would NEVER open to the public because it had a loop. There were a whole slew of comments this dude was throwing out at us and we ended up having great fun with it acting like we believed his every word. It sounded like he worked on one of the rides in Coney Mall and 'knew' what was good for the park, more than the park actually knew.

I don't remember if it was John or someone else, but someone said something to him and he ended up basically running away. I don't think it was offensive, but something that was funny enough that we were all crying because of the humor. Perhaps John can add more on this. All I know was it was a very odd converstation.

I applaud those that provide humor in the form of outrageous rumors that make for some fun times while at a park.

Sean, I was there! I will never forget seeing those first riders! We had to have stood there for a good 3 hours. I even got sunburnt while waiting! It was all worh it though.

Though I don't remember what exactly John(?) said, I do remember trying not to bust out laughing right in front of the guy! Good times man!


Congo/Drop Zone Crew of 00,01,and 02.

*** This post was edited by PKI GUY on 3/19/2002. ***

PKI GUY said in his signature:
Congo/Drop Zone Crew of 00,01,and 02.

Isnt it Face the Falls crew in 2002

Hey, thanks for the compliments, guys. But was my post *really* as funny as......


He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

Mamoosh's avatar
Den - TAER IS DOWN my be more easily quotable, but yes your post was WAY funnier.

2002 - the year of IB's LoCoSuMo!!

Ya know,

I have a whole different take on the "What PKI Needs" tangent. It occured to me that many PKI (along with several other parks) is doing a really good job at alienating itself from the over 40 demographic.

Let's review, since Paramount came in:

* PKI's Live Entertainment has gone from exceptional to rock bottom. (Removal of live shows in Festhaus, cheaping the show in the Paramount Theatre, which used to a major broadway style production number, cutting down on Timberwolf concerts, removal of german band at the Biergaten, elimination of the roving entertainers (jugglers, dixieland band, Clown Band, etc), elimination of Cinema 180, elimination of the live band on IS at night (replaced by Kareoke), removal of Dolphin/Sea Lion show, removal of puppet show (Magic Puppet Tree). Restricting fireworks to late nights only.

* Elimination of the Wild Animal Habitat

* Removal of several older era games from the arcades

(But at least we still have the train ride, unlike most other Paramount parks, but we can thank WaterWorks for that.)

So I really think PKI ought to start marketing to the over 40 sector, and not as forced 'guests' of their children.

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville

Coasterville Dave:

I agree with you to an extent, but until PKI sees some sort of drop in attendance due to this (which won't happen) i don't think they will be really worried about it.

If the shoe fits, find another one.

Coasterville Dave, Thats basically what happens when corprate budgets deterimine what the park dose. Yes KECO and former owners Shott ect. wanted to make money but enterainment was always part of their game plan, You may not remember but KI used to have a bird show, Dog Fight with bi planes, A 5 or 6pm ballon launch, Marching bands around the fountain.

Basically shows do not draw guest and therefore are a loosing revenue venue.

I have seen some live entertainers throughout the park, Jugglers, Mimes and stuff but there has been a lack of paramount charicters lately, I do notice a increased HB charicthers though.

I do agree however that they have gone to almost non existant in recent years with last years 6 week magic show as a totally new low for a facility that can put on a full scale broadway production, Yes they do still have a couple shows but this used to be a major draw for aspiring entertainers with almost 2000 perfermers auditioning in 1980 for KI alone.

The fountain area used to have no trees around it and no obsticals so the entertainement was visable all around International street, Expecially the dog fights and marching bands, Fireworks used to be held every night reguardless of closing time, Even as late as 96 when I worked there they launched the fireworks at closing if it was still daylight.

The park has a budget, That determines how many employees they have, How many rides operate and what kind of shows go on, and add a ride and remove one policy

One thing I am thankful that PKI has never cutback on is Maintenence, I have been in Beast line at 5 till 10 when it broke down and they still got it up and running to give us final rides at 10:40pm :)

I am very thankful that they do still have the trains, Both engines were rehabed within the last 4 years. I believe the makers of the engines was ARROW but if I am wrong, please correct me.

Still, I enjoy the park, There are times I would like to catch one of those old world class shows though and Im just not into a Recorded song and dance show.

Chuck, who agrees

Charles Nungester

Americana is opening in 2002 and needs your support as many company picnics are already schedualed for someplace else, Indivdual visits are very improtant to the parks survival.

Yes, halfway through the post I burst out laughing. :)

Sept. 11th 2001, Slayer released God Hates Us All. The song "Disciple" uncannily describes the events of that day, as well as the anthrax letters that followed.
--Slayer: Thrash band, or the next Nostradamus?


I thought it was you, but wasn't sure. I also was sunburnt and it made for some interesting conversation from my friends once I arrived in L.A. the next evening.


I believe one of the reasons why the shows were cut back at the park were perhaps they simply didn't pull guests in. I know of quite a few times I have looked down from being on top of the tower and noticed about 12 people sitting in the outdoor theater right below the tower........and those were on pretty crowded days.

I know there are those that love the shows at parks and hate to see them go but it kind of boils down to the same reason why parks take out coasters and other rides.


Here is a little information on the KI&MV RR's locomotives.

The train sets were built by Crown Metal Products Company of PA in 1971/72. The locomotives and coaches were assembled one at a time by a Ken Williams in his shop(a barn) on the family farm. The boilers of the two engines were built for crown by the Munroe Co. of Ambridge, Pennsylvania. (note: This same company is reported to have built a stationary boiler for a ceartain new attraction at PKI.) For mor information on Crown and their engines click on the link below.

Just as a curouis question do any of you see PKI building a coaster before 2005? They aren't building one in 2003 from what shaggy said and seem to be heading a different direction. Any of your opnions updated?

Top Five Ohio Coasters:
1. Son of Beast - PKI
2. Millennuim Force - CP
3. Beast - PKI
4. Mantis - CP
5. Raptor - CP

To fix this cloning issue, I'll use my Paramount Planning Spreadsheet:

1972-Beastie, a ride that was based on classic design from PTC, but in working that Beastie was not a complete copy it is not a clone

Racer-if you don't know the story behind this one, then stop reading, go find out about Racer and them comeback

1973-Beetle, which was indeed a Galaxi model

1977-Screamin' Demon X Opened in the same year as King Kobra, but by designers quote, King Kobra was first to open. The question is does a stock coaster built in the same year count as a clone of another

1979-Beast was a clone of......MOTHER NATURE'S FURY!!!

1981-Bat X was Arrow's first suspended coaster, therefore not a clone

1984-King Cobra was infact the first stand up looper and is not a clone. Shockwave is not a clone of King Cobra either, though similar, Shockwave features a different ending. Skyrider is infact a clone of king Cobra though.

1987-Vortex is definentely a man of its own

1991-Adventure Express, well that ones obvious

1992-Taxi Jam is actually not really a clone. Taxi Jam was the start of a new model by Miler that roughly followed the same pattern as the old

1993-Top Gun is really Vortex in a different terrain which calls for some height changes, but the mountain at PCW is not going to make a difference really and for that fact they are clones

1995-Flight of Fear, clone or double purchase, you deside

1999-Face Off is a clone and that one is the easiest to spot

2000-Son of Beast is Papa, young at a college party

2001-Runaway Reptar was built after Silverstreak. Though debuting in the same year, Silverstreak was announced and completed earlier, but in being the firsts of their kind I'll count them as partners isntead of clones

2003-The Cacka Monster, it'll scare the cackas ut of you ;)

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

*** This post was edited by Vertigo on 7/1/2002. ***

You can tell that Top Gun is a clone, Vortex at PCW has alot of changes in elevation, hence why on the first drop it doesn't drop the entire length. And another thing that's interesing to note that at PCW, Vortex trains only use 6 cars and not 7. I don't know why.

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