PKI- The forgotton Ohio Park?

I said Cedar Point, not Cedar Fair, tard.  And I also said PKI, not Paramount Parks.
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
Doesn't matter DDFire. I answered both CF and CP and Paramount and PKI, so evidently answering more than I was supposed to makes me a tard. I wonder what I would be if I answered less? I would hate to see that. Maybe I would be a pre-tard?

Jeff said:
"As a Clevelander, I hardly consider Cinci even a part of Ohio. I can get to Kennywood faster than PKI."

Hmmm, Cincy not part of Ohio eh.....

I could only imagine the amount of plastic beer bottles being thrown at the new whales at SFWOA if they didn't perform. But then again, the jumbotron over the tank would probably have to be switched off for instant replays. (LOL.....just kidding.....couldn't resist a poke at the 'incident'.)

Chris Rettig

(BTW......when they showed the sports segments in the news that evening, what did we in non-existant land get? 'You don't live in Cleveland, you live in Cincinnati!' -Sam Wyche, over and over and over again. But then again my alma mater's HS nuns could beat the Bengals, so between that and occasional riots, I guess we really ARE non-existant down here Jeff! :) .)

What is understood need not be discussed.;):)

 Many thanks! Too bad we don't have more people like you in this region. =:^)

 I live in between CP and PKI. To be honest, I never really got the whole "this park is better" way of thinking. We should just be grateful to even have two parks in the same state. Much less parks that provide such awesome rides and times!

 Since Columbus sits pretty much in the center of the CP, PKI, SFWoA triangle, you can imagine what a lot of our commercials consist of during the operating season of these parks.  Cedar Point doesn't name other park names in their commercials. Neither does PKI.  Six Flags on the other hand does. It appears to me that Six Flags is more on the "Hey, look what we got that they don't" type of marketing where PKI and CP are more on a friendly, yet competitive, basis.

 I have been going to PKI and CP since I was around 5 years old. There wasn't any of this major record breaking stuff going on back then so perhaps that is why I look at the parks differently than a lot of people who may not of heard of them until a record breaking ride was introduced.

 I guess it just matters what area of the state you live in. In Central Ohio, we hear news from all three major parks in the state. Northern Ohio may only hear news from two parks, where Southen Ohio may hear news from only two also (SFKK being the second).

 Just imagine for a second if only we had was CP. Do you think that they would have that many rides now if it wasn't for competition? I don't think so.  Parks with lower competition areas are less likely to get something major every year.


I live in southern ohio. Down where Portsmouth is. And the only ads we see for sfwoa is on pop cans. being about 90 mins from pki means we get more ads for pki here. as a matter of fact i worked at PKI last summer. 

I've worked at both CP and PKI.  I like both parks actually. Each park is different. Which is good cause then I wouldn't want to go more than one.  As for which is the best it truely is based on what your talkin about. I think PKI has a great kids area and great woods.  As for pushing limits of height its obvious cp comes more to mind. 

Sorry i didn't mention sfwoa very much. I've yet to go there yet :)


Krista :)

rollergator's avatar
rollergator is tearing up down's just too bad there aren't more of me EVERYWHERE!   LOL, that's just plain SICK...can you imagine a park with wooden coasters of immense size just scattered ALL over the park...;~)...

Actually, I'm just jealous of you Ohioans and all that competition.  True there is SOME here, but it's not the same as having traditional AND theme parks just cluttering up the landscape with ALL those coastering options...

I think SF "calls out" the competition in OH because it's basically win-win for SF.  Sure SFWoA may not do THAT much business, but it is taking some business away (granted, not much) from the FLAGSHIP parks for both CF and Paramount.  Even if SFWoA were to only break even financially, the chain wins...SF can make PLENTY o' cash in NJ, GA, CA, IL, etc., and any "damage" they can inflict upon the other chains, they're happy for.... 

PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

I live in FAR western Kentucky, about 7 hours away from Cincy and 12-13 hours away from CP. I grew up always hearing about SFStL, Opryland (RIP), and Kings Island... (and later on KK). Kings Island is a destination for people as far south as Memphis and Knoxville. We all hear about the Beast and "the new wooden coaster that goes upside down."

Even though I have, my whole life, heard of PKI and went to it on church youth trips... I had never ONCE heard of CP until I became an "enthusiast." Now granted,  I did see those shows on the discovery channel that talked about magnum... but that was it.

PKI atracts WAY more famlies, youth groups, etc than anything else. They cater to families and etc. CP also caters to families, but they are much more of a thrill park and PKI is much more of a theme family park...



Well, all three of the Ohio parks compliment each other extremely well. Even before SFO came into the picture, CP and PKI alone were all the buzz and people talked about how great a state Ohio was for coastering. Those who live in Columbus really have it made. The only bad thing for them is deciding which one to go to... "Hmm, what do you think, Millennium Force, Flight of Fear, or Batman?"

Nooo!! You have it all wrong! The Sea Dragon, duh!

Koaster King,

 It is nice living in Columbus and being able to go to a large park within a 2 and a half hour drive at the most, but as your sig says,  The Sea Dragon says it all! =:^)

Sean (who likes Wyandot Lake a lot, but hopes to see another coaster there in the next 5 years to help the park become more popular. )

DDFire19 said:
PKI is just.....uhhhhh.....there.   They aren't really into the "GOTTA BUILD THE BIGGEST AND FASTEST AND MOST INNOVATIVE RIDE" deal(Yeah, I know about SOB and TRTR).  Where as CP gets MF, Magnum, WT, Raptor, Mantis, etc... 

kings island not into innovation or superiority?  i'll do this in reverse and forget about things to come.
2001: "first family inverted"
2000: "tallest, fastest, and only looping wooden coaster"
1999: "world's tallest gyro drop"
1998: "first children's suspended coaster"
1996: "world's first linear induction launched coaster"
1987: coaster with most inversions
1984: first looping standup coaster
1981: first suspended coaster
1979: tallest, fastest, longest coaster
1977: first arrow launched loop
as you can see, while king's island has most definitely concerned itself with innovation, it has also tried for the tallest, fastest, most superior in some area.

Obviously by the 2001 attendance figures, the GP has not forgotten PKI as it beat CP.  Check out the news story posted today - PKI up; CP down.


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