Picking Your Last Coaster

I know this is hard for coaster fans to think about, but here is the question-
If you could only ride one more coaster for the rest of your life, what would it be?

DÉJÀ VU – Fast Forward…Blast Backwards!

Six Flags Worlds of Adventures opens May 4, 2001 at 5:00 pm. SFWoA 115 years young in 2003.
"I dress myself" Ralph Wiggum
beast7369's avatar

DEJA Vu....well because as it implies I ride it over and over and over again.

What is life without it's ups and downs
Millennium Force
THATS TOO HARD OF A QUESTION!!! well probably millenium force.. or magnum.. DARNIT! i dont know.. probably MF.. well.. yeah.. no wait.. yeah..

I did it like this, I did it like that, I didn it with a wiffle ball bat.. ohhh
I'd say Millennium Force because of the location it has - at CP which is my favorite park, and also right next to the water with a great view. Superman: ROS at SFNE comes awfully close in terms of ride experience and the view to the left is nice, but the location (park and geographic) turns me off.

2001 Magnum Crew
Definitely Millennium Force because as my last coaster ride I would want it to be something special that I will remember forever.

Steel- 1.Millennuim Force
Wood- 1.The Beast
"We're not worthy, We're not worthy!"

Raging Bull, Montu, Alpie, or Apollo's Chariot
Georgia Scorcher...OH yeah it's fire baby!!!
Tonnerre de Zeus...good memories. :)

The Timbers. While my love for MF is strong, Shivering Timbers wins the vote for a lifetime of riding.

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
boblogone's avatar
PGA's The Grizzly, then I wouldn't miss coasters much. ;) As a last request how about Tremors? I've not done that yet.
as my name says, it would have to be goliath, cuz its one of the first major rides ive ever been on

Mr. Gacy I'm done with your lawn
This is a hard question. Right now it's Medusa West hands down. I was married on it, so it has very personal connections to my wife and I. Also, it's one of the best steel coasters ever built imo. However, since my coaster experiences are limited, it might change. Probably not, but you never know. ;) Peace. :)

Medusa at Marine World: the best coaster in the west!

Superman Krypton Coaster @ SF Fiesta Texas.
Currently my favorite coaster on the planet.

Cedar Fair hates valleyfair... boohoo.
Probably Magnum, just because I can enjoy the experience more, even though MF is my favorite coaster. MF would just go by too fast for my last coaster!

We are the keepers of the sacred words, Ni!, Peng!, and Nuuuuuwwwom!
Legend baby! I just hope I'd survive!:)


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
I know the answer to this question, Steel Dragon 2000, because I don't want a short ride like MF.

Dorney Park just... rules!
I would have to say Magnum, you can't beat the first drop, and on the return part of the out-and-back you can just relive all of your coaster memories on the air-time hills.
You almost have to limit your answer to a coaster you have ridden. For me it's woodies (limit 1 remember) and in my experiences I'd pick Boulder Dash at Lake Conmpounce (CT). I am "sure" I would probably like something else out there better (Shivering Timbers maybe) given the chance to ride it 40 times. (I have ridden Phoenix). Also, if you could bring one back from the dead: Revere Beach Cyclone circa 1967.
oh well a touch of grey kind of suits you anyway

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