Phoenix NoLimits Coaster

I know that I haven't uploaded a coaster in awhile to here because I said I wouldn't upload as many. Well, here is me and Retro.Bob's two month project, "Phoenix".

It is an Intamin Wingrider that has a launch. Video will be out soon, but here are the blue prints:

I'm not actually going to build a station and etc, but that's where it would be. More updates ahead, for the coaster is finished, but I'm spreading the word.

I don't know. That sure looks like a secular roller coaster to me...

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LostKause's avatar

Will homosexuals be allowed to ride it?

Seriously though, did I miss the wing rider add on for No Limits?

I will make the video with the illusion of being a wing rider. You'll see.

Oh, that ever-popular illusion wing rider. Build the station. Go ahead, take another couple of months and get back to us, k?

And yes, we know you're spreading the word.

Handmade song for the video is finished:

Logo for ride is finished. Please give feedback:

Last edited by Tyler Boes,
bjames's avatar

why did it take two months? did you work on it for 9 seconds per day?

I like the idea for the logo, but I think the letters are bit too smushed. If they were stretched some more I think it would be great. Really like the colors.

Thanks! Well the video is done:

And bjames, the reason it took so long is the person who was helping with the supports was very detailed, and newton 2 is way more complicated to use than basic NoLimits. The two months also includes the time it took to make the soundtrack, the brainstorming, and etc. OK? You can give this ride a download here:

Last edited by Tyler Boes,

bjames said:
why did it take two months? did you work on it for 9 seconds per day?

Heaven knows what you'll say when I finally start posting my comic strip...

My author website:

Raven-Phile's avatar

Does it involve suntan lotion, cowboys, or major wood? If it doesn't, I don't wanna read it.

Take two out of three?

My author website:

My roller coaster is a Phoenix. Phoenix has heat, a sworn enemy of sun tan lotion. Also, No cowboys are in my roller coaster. Finally, my coaster is steel. Sorry.

Ensign Smith said:

bjames said:
why did it take two months? did you work on it for 9 seconds per day?

Heaven knows what you'll say when I finally start posting my comic strip...

Well, I figure it won't be a daily...

Raven-Phile's avatar

Ensign Smith said:
Take two out of three?

That ain't bad.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Okay, complimentary sandwich, where you say nice thing/bad thing/nice thing.

Looks realistic, the scenery and supports look cool.

Ugh, 1:12 intro? Next time, just get right to it. It's very apparent you are still new at Newton because the layout/forces/transitions are simple. I guess since its a wing rider everything has to be long, boring, and drawn out. It'll be interesting to me what you can put together that isn't a wing rider.

Nice job on putting together the video. I still like to hammer out a track now and then in Newton, but I never "finish" them. At least you put something together that looks complete.


I've increased my Newton talent leaps and bonds since I made the layout. The longest part was the supports. Someone else made them, and I've practiced Newton a lot since then. Now, there isn't very many quintic transitions on my newer designs as I use timewarping, berstinian, and sexic type transitions now. (Mostly timewarping) the Phoenix had mostly simpler quintics. My next coaster will be more complicated.

LostKause's avatar

When I heard the soundtrack before, a few days ago, I liked it, however I found it kind of boring because it was did not have the normal verse/chorus type structure that most enjoyable music uses today. Listening to it along with watching the video has made me change my mind though. Your songwriting handicap kind of works within a coaster video medium for some reason. I like the tune now.

As I was "riding" the coaster, I kept saying to myself, this isn't really that bad at all. Kind of fun!

I prefer coasters that change altitude a little. That's one thing that I don't like about your coasters. They don't tip forward or backwards much. I can tell that you yearn for a coaster that is all about speed and less about height and drops, and so I totally respect what you are doing here.

Also, I really got a kick out of the "Confidential Blueprints." Boes humor is humorous.

You didn't have to keep telling us your name in the beginning and the end of the video though. I know from experience that no one likes a cocky rock star. ;)

Nice coaster though. I really like it. Krause Grade: B

Last edited by LostKause,

I thought there was quite a bit of vibration, especially in the outside seat.
The restraint was tight, too, and really bothered my shoulders.

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