Phantom of the Opera sequel will take place at Coney Island

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Andrew Lloyd Webber on Thursday announced a sequel to his massively successful "Phantom of the Opera" that will be set at Coney Island. Opening in London, "Love Never Dies" picks up a decade after the original's conclusion, and has the Phantom trading his hideout beneath the Paris opera house for the iconic Brooklyn amusement park known for its roller-coasters and hot dogs.

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CreditWh0re said:
somebody remember this thread the next time discussions of ACE nerds comes up.

Hey! We've got OTHER intrests besides coasters you know!

My dad's a heavy equipment mechanic (about as blue collar as it gets!) and has been know to dorp a opera into his CD player and play full blast!

We're just well-rounded. I look at coasters as much for their trill value as for their design.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

I have to admit, I'm not particularly a fan of the music from Phantom, or of the movie. Of course, I've not seen the stage production. But then, I'm not really a fan of many musicals/broadway shows. However...that could all change if Paul O'Neill makes good on an idea and brings Savatage's Gutter Ballet album to the stage as a Broadway show.

EDIT: Almost forgot about the Romanov show as well. Of course, if either of them see the light of day in my lifetime it will be a miracle.

Last edited by maXairMike,

Original BlueStreak64

Jeff's avatar

See the Vegas production. Like I said, I like the way it flows better than the original (though some theater purists don't like the "one-sitting" format). Not only that, but the chandelier gimmick was improved and perfected in every way for that theater. I wouldn't want to be sitting under it.

Although, you never know which cast members will play the night you see it. The "A" players are definitely better, and if you get them, I'd say that the Phantom, Christine and Carlotta are easily better than any of the recorded versions. I got chills hearing "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again." That girl has got some pipes.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Vater's avatar

Hopman said:
dorp a opera

Nearly as funny as 'fongers.'

Kick The Sky's avatar

I am a huge Phantom of the Opera fan, having seen it on Broadway among other venues. My parents have been lucky enough to see it in London with the original casting. Jeff, I have to admit that I have been very reluctant to see the Vegas show, thinking that somehow it would taint the original, but I think based on your recommendation that I may just go and see it now.

I am not sure that Webber will be able to find the same magic as there is in Phantom of the Opera. Sequels are rarely good, usually worse when it comes to Broadway. I predict a very short run on Broadway with this musical.

Certain victory.

I dunno, having your main characters sing a love song to each other zipping back in forth in cages on the Wonder Wheel just might work. Or the Human Roulette Wheel. Or the Tip-Top.

Sorry Vater. Sometimes I think faster than I type. I guess i've got more crossed wires and nerons that the average coaster fan.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Not calling you out personally on this, Hopman, but everyone should read their posts through before hitting "submit." There have been a lot of posts lately with misspelled words, missing words, and some I just can't figure out. Everyone has the occasional typo, but a lot of it would be eliminated if people would proofread before they submit.

Kenmei's avatar

Okay, I have to toss in my two cents.

I grew up doing theatre, and yes, I went through my 'omg Lloyd Webber is awesome and blah blah blah' phase. I love Phantom. I own more versions of the original book and several re-tellings of the story than any one person should own. Hell, my first copy of Susan Kay's version of the book is in twelve pieces from being read over thirty times and passed around to my friends.

Now...that being said...


Don't answer that. I think we all know. $$$$$$$$$ makes the world go round...

Don't get me wrong. I suppose I get where they are coming from. People often relate Coney Island with the whole 'freak show' thing. But for the love of god, is this really necessary? It's far-fetched, idiotic, and in the Leroux book, the one EVERYTHING was based on, he dies for gods sake!

/endrant. I am now going to go stomp around my house and glare at my phantom collectables that I own in the hopes that somewhere, someone will feel my anger and pull the plug on this whole stupid project.

And Jeff is right Les Mis is a Boubille/Schonberg piece. Same folks that did Miss Saigon.

Yeah yeah, I know. My geek is showing. =P

Last edited by Kenmei,

Watch out for flying maps!

Kenmei said:
Yeah yeah, I know. My geek is showing. =P

Theater is kinda in my blood. My mom has always been involved with some sort of amature theater, eith acting or directing (she directed the drama club at the local middle school for nearly 15 years, and a couple of those years, she had close to 70 kids!).

My sister, who is an icredibly tallented artist, graduated from Syracuse U., with a BFA, plus she got into a trade school for scienc painters that only accepts 8 students EVERY TWO YEARS. Now, she's landed a job with the Indiana Repatory Theater.

My dad has always been a "techie," of one form or another, including helping design the system and assist in training people to use it at the new high school our town built in '97.

As me for me, I'm more behind the scenes. I do swts, drive the truck, and help run the show.

BTW, as a friend told me once, "It is a well known fact, not taught in school, when the lights go down, TECHIES RULE!!!!"

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Jeff's avatar

I married a former stage manager with an Equity card. I win!

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

So, how many shows has she dragged you to Jeff? :)

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Kenmei's avatar

Jeff said:
I married a former stage manager with an Equity card. I win!

You trump us all, as usual ;)

Watch out for flying maps!

Jeff's avatar

I like theater. No one has to drag me to go. I did a little in college and some community theater as well.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff, I was kidding about your wife dragging you to a show.

It's very cool that you actually get away from the site. ;)

So, have you done any intersting shows lately?

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Jeff's avatar

Living in Cleveland, we don't generally have more than one interesting professional show at a time, and no.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

You know, next time you find youtself out in Indy, see what's going on at the Indiana Rep. Theater.

Plus, you'd be pretty surprised at how much amature (between college and comminty) and semi-pro stuff there is out here in New England.

Not to mention, if I want to see a big show, Boston's only 1.5 hours away.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Jeff's avatar

Or I could spend my time in Seattle, since I'll live there, where there is more bleeding liberal culture than any one person can take.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

One slight problm with that Jeff:

There aren't that many coasters in Washingtom State. Plus, you'd be a soild 14 hour drive to SFMM.

If you lived in NE, you'd have so many coaster within HALF that distance.

Plus, you wouldn't be in the cultural wasteland that is the Buckeye State! :)

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Jeff's avatar

Why are you even telling me this? Do you think I just woke up one morning and decided to move for craps and giggles?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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