Personal Rollercoaster

I came across this site about this guy in Oklahoma that has his own personal rollercoaster that he built. I think its pretty cool. Check it out
That Is pretty cool. I would love to own my own rollercoaster that guy is so lucky. Does anyone else know of someone that has thier own rollercoaster. I know Micheal jackson has his own assortment of flat rides and maybe a couple of rollercoasers, But i am not all that sure about the rollercoaster but i do know he has his own flat rides.
That would be realy cool. If I had the money and the room, I would do that.

MF Drops-15
SOB Rides-2
Wow thats amazing. I wonder what he used to stop the train from coming off the track.
That is so cool! That is something that I want to do someday...

Will be at Busch Gardens Williamsburg April 27th. *** This post was edited by Glitch01 on 4/12/2001. ***
I actually almost tried it (I have a hill in my backyard). I got one whole support in the ground before I realized "What the heck am I doing". Still have the plans in rct though :)

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
If I had the space and money to try something like that, I would.

don't forget another forgotten element, time.

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually

"That is someone I want to do someday..."

Freuidan slip?

I pledge defiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republicans, which I can't stand, one nation, under smog, indespicable, with liberty for just us, not all.
Amazing. I want that!

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
I would want to own my own park with the best rollercoasters in the world but its only a dream
LMAO! Whoops!

Will be at Busch Gardens Williamsburg April 27th. *** This post was edited by Glitch01 on 4/12/2001. ***
I actually think that it is the scariest ride in the world. Check out that pic looking down the 1st drop. Riding a homemade coaster on that!! WOW!
Sweet! that is just awesome, now if I had the money, land, and time to build my own personal coaster, it would be easy to build, because of the topography of my area.

Talon is going to rock, roll, and take its toll on the top 10!"
I know for a fact I have the room, and the materials, but the problem with that is I cant even build a simple birdhouse! Neone in the area of Norhtern Kentucky that wants to get together and build coasters in my backyard, just e-mail me at
Im serious about this too.

all about PKI
the Beasts` Den
janfrederick's avatar
Wow...the site said the materials only cost $5500. I wonder how he got the curves right. The support looked reletively simple...but the curves!

Wow...good job!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
The curves would be based upon a 45 degree angle.
Is there something wrong with the site for I went to the website through the hyperlink and it stated that the website can't be found. Has anyone else had this problem with the site... little help here. Thanks!


Now who's signature used to be "So you want a coaster in your backyard? I hope you have a big backyard."

Kinda funny...:)
I pledge defiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republicans, which I can't stand, one nation, under smog, indespicable, with liberty for just us, not all.
You can get a tiny used Miler coaster for around $18,000 on

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