People rescued from Speed

16 people had to be rescued from Speed in Las Vegas

rollergator's avatar
Sixteen people were ON Speed? At once? ;~O
Jeff's avatar
If they were "rescued" that implies they were in some kind of danger. Clearly they were not.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I wonder how the heck it got stuck right after the spike. Between the spike and the second set of LIMs there is nothing but an s-turn with a shallow incline. The tallest part of the ride (other than the spike) is the loop, and if the train did not clear the loop, couldn't the LIMs stop the train in an E-stop situation? Even if they can't I still don't see how it vallied in that area, I thought it would've vallied in the lowest portion after the loop (between the loop and LIM section.

Ride count on the Voyage: 40 Most consecutive rides on the Voyage: 36 Day after thigh bruises from airtime: Priceless
I love how the article says they were "hanging above the ground." Nothing like embellishing the story to make it more dramatic.
SFoGswim's avatar

Ron Garrett, Sahara's marketing director, explained, "The roller coaster is inspected and looked at every single day, and it's one of the safest ones in town."
Easy to claim it's one of the safest coasters in town when there are only 3 others to compete with.

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^My thoughts exactly, halltd. ;)

At least they left with a smile on their faces. :)

Damn I miss that ride!


rollergator's avatar

mudinthevayne said:The tallest part of the ride (other than the spike) is the loop, and if the train did not clear the loop, couldn't the LIMs stop the train in an E-stop situation? Even if they can't I still don't see how it vallied in that area, I thought it would've vallied in the lowest portion after the loop (between the loop and LIM section.

From what I understand, the second LIMs failed (the ones near ground level right after the loop on the outbound run). If I read between the lines correctly, the failure of those LIMs prevented the train from making the top of the loop. Given that it got at least partly up the side of the loop, there'd be enough momentum to carry it past the malfunctioning LIMs and back into the area of the S-turn...

That's how I *think* it least until someone tells me differently... ;)

crazy horse's avatar
It must have been a slow news day. It made the news here in detroit.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Jeff said:
If they were "rescued" that implies they were in some kind of danger. Clearly they were not.

res·cue /ˈrɛskyu/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[res-kyoo] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -cued, -cu·ing, noun –verb (used with object) free or deliver from confinement, violence, danger, or evil.

Synonyms 1 liberate, release, save, redeem, ransom, extricate, recover. 3. liberation, deliverance, release, redemption, recovery.

Well they are being freed and released from the coaster.

i agree, it must be a slow day, especially considering how dramatic they made the article

Well the story was made a bit dramatic, but people always do enjoy reading about people getting stuck on a roller coaster.

PROUD- on Scream! over a parking lot. Top 10 Coasters: 1.) Millennium Force 2.) Maverick 3.) Goliath (SFoG) 4.) Raptor 5.) Déjà Vu 6.) Scream! 7.) Top Thrill Dragster 8.) X 9.) Magnum XL 200 10.) Viper (SFGAm) -- Thrills Around the Corner!
CoasterDiscern's avatar
Some people were smiling while be removed from the train. No big deal.

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
No harm no foul. I wouldn't mind getting stuck on MF or Dominator. Mantis on the other hand, no thanks.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Does any one know if it is fixed and running again? I will be leaving to go to Las Vegas on Sunday and was looking forward to riding it.
My first thought was that the crystal meth problem has gotten really bad! :)


SFoGswim said:

Ron Garrett, Sahara's marketing director, explained, "The roller coaster is inspected and looked at every single day, and it's one of the safest ones in town."
Easy to claim it's one of the safest coasters in town when there are only 3 others to compete with.

Actually there are six coasters in Vegas!

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
kpjb's avatar

tambo said:
My first thought was that the crystal meth problem has gotten really bad!

My first thought was that people had been trapped in a theater showing a craptacular Keanu Reeves/Sandra Bullock movie.

In that case, rescued would have indeed been the proper word.


I don't mean to be rude and ask again, but I am leaving tomorrow morning and would like to know before I leave if it is fixed and running again. I know my trip will not be a bust if I don't get on it because there is so much more to do there, but as thrill rides go I was looking foreword to riding this along with a few other rides there.
rollergator's avatar
Best bet is to call Nascar guess is none of the Vegas people who post here has seen it running since the incident. I'd guess if the LIM needs work, you're odds aren't too good.
SFoGswim's avatar

Iggy ACE said:
Actually there are six coasters in Vegas!
I meant real coasters that change elevation by at least 20 feet or so.

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!

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