Park Tips

How about a section where people could post their hot tips for visiting certain parks. (i.e. use the an alternate entrance to the park, best day to visit, good hotel deals, good area radio station, road construction, where to pick up coupons, etc.) People can post useful suggestions about their home parks that may not occur to a first-time visitor.
I'd think this kind of information could be included in park reviews (which are, of course, contributed by the users). I understand what you're saying, though. Not a bad idea.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I agree that this sort of information appears in trip reports, but I think it would be useful to have a centralized location just for tips. The trip reports can be a bit lengthy sometimes, not that I don't enjoy a good read, but if all I want to know is a good hotel in the area I think it would be nice to be able to check the tips area for that particular park. :)

*** This post was edited by Camel on 2/13/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
The more well-written reviews have these tips. I don't accept every review that is submitted, not even close. I'm interested in concise, well written and rich park reviews.

Webmaster/Admin -
I agree that some park reviews have this sort of information, but also consider that the park reviews are not always written by locals. Locals know the best tricks about their parks. If we could compile this local knowledge about parks it would be quite useful to someone visiting for the first time.

I understand your point Jeff & Matt, but I think the sort of section I am suggesting could be a little more of an insider's view to help us all.
I wanted to bring this up to the top of the pile again...

There have been several threads started recently asking for tips for particular parks. Maybe there is a real demand for a feature such as this after all. I would be happy to help in any way that I could to get this started. I think it is a good idea that's time has come. We can see that people are asking for this type of information and it would be helpful to be able to pull up tips sorted by park.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/26/2001. ***
I agree with you Camel, the only problem is that if Jeff put a feature like this on the site, people would be sending in their tips constantly, Jeff is already preoccupied enough with this web site, now imaging him having to sort through 20 park reviews a day.
It could be set up similar to the meeting calendar. Pick a park from a drop down menu. From here you read all of the tips submitted by others or you could add your tips to the list. strictly moderated - no off topic discussions would be allowed.

The way I conceived it, the tips would be approved in a similar way as news items. Within each park's tips there could be categories such as lodging, eateries, park strategy, etc, so that you could find what you were looking for easier. As far as the approval process goes, maybe volunteer coasterbuzzers could sort through the submissions and separate the good from the useless. Of course there would be some criteria established so that it's not a purely subjective decision by each individual.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/12/2001. ***
I like this suggestion and could see how a 'database' of tips would be helpful. My thoughts are it could be 'connected' to the park so the buzz-er would have to drill down to submit or find the tips. This might control the frivolous tip submissions a bit.

If moderating it became an issue, how about letting CoasterBuzz-er's vote on each tip? What I'm thinking is something where a tip could be submitted through a single forum. Buzz-er's would peruse the forum and nominate tips they feel are valid. After, say, 2 nominations, a tip would be moved to the appropriate park/subject forum.

If I'da thought about it a little longer, I'da spent more time thinking. *** This post was edited by escKey on 6/26/2001. ***
They just keep on coming...

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/29/2001. ***

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