Park Reviews

I've I submitted a review about Seabreeze about 2 weeks ago, worked very hard on it, and yet it still hasn't shone up. It was very well written and detailed. Jeff can you explained why? Did you not recieve it or somthing?

Dan - Webmaster of Coastny!

How is this a suggestion for Coasterbuzz? Why not just email him your infinite number of complaints or questions....

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Jeff's avatar

First of all, I don't konw if it was well written or not (I'll be the judge of that). Second, I go through those maybe once a month to approve. It's very time consuming and the vast majority are poorly written trip reports, so I tend to dread it.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

BrandonR said:
How is this a suggestion for Coasterbuzz? Why not just email him your infinite number of complaints or questions....

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Because he'll never respond.

Dan - Webmaster of Coastny!

Jeff's avatar

No, you've just never written me. Enough with the pissing contests. If this site causes so much stress and drama in your life, please, move on.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

rollergator's avatar

Jeff said:

If this site causes so much stress and drama in your life, please, move on.

Causes? No, this site is the relief from the stress and drama.....job -related...;)

I think the point he's trying to make is, why have that section at all if any input is going to be ignored. Im sure he set out and wrote a nice, thorough report to benefit the coasterbuzz community yet all he gets in return for wondering whats up is hastle and gripe. Jeff, I think this is the suggestion hes trying to get across...if youre not going to review the submissions, obviously its something you hate doing, then simply eliminate the feature. It would have saved this guy a lot of hastle, and it wouldnt have made him look like the idiot in this case. His tone was very formal and quizzical, he wasnt busting balls just wondering why his article wasnt put up. He didnt deserve the replys he got nor their degrading tone. Heres the suggestion I make to superdude: when it comes to coasterbuzz, #1 youre never right, and #2 you cant win. I'm sure there are other sites that would love to have reader feedback on their pages.

*** This post was edited by willthethrill on 7/11/2002. ***

willthethrill said:
, #1 youre never right, and #2 you cant win. I'm sure there are other sites that would love to have reader feedback on their sites.

*** This post was edited by willthethrill on 7/11/2002. ***

LOL you got that right! Thanks for your understanding

Dan - Webmaster of Coastny!

Superdude, if it was as well written as your original post, I am neither shocked nor dismayed that it wasn't posted.

No love for the whiners

Wow, I didnt even pick up on that the first time I "read" his post. never the less, my point still stands, even had it been a quality review it most likely wouldnt have shown up. He is right tho superdude, the grammar up there is terrible.

"To summarize, you are a petty low down weasel and I hope that Jeff removes you from this board for that very reason."
Bob Hansen
A proud CoasterBuzz Member (Kick the Sky)

There seems to be a fine line between "Park Reviews" and "Trip Reports" I only occasionally write trip reports and when I do, it is for a park that is not very well known or because something extradorinary happened. If I were to write a park review, it would probably be almost identical to the trip report.

For my purposes, I find trip reports to be more useful than park reviews. There are hardly enough park reviews to bother with and they rarely contain much detail. I don't even bother looking at the park reviews anymore. Perhaps the "park review" feature could link to a couple of the most recent trip reports. Probably more work than it's worth.

Jeff's avatar

"Hastle and gripe?" Man, you've got it all backward. Try starting from the top and see where the "hastle and gripe" is directed. You've got it all backward. Take into consideration this member's previous posts complaining that his site was never added. Maybe in that context you'll understand.

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Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

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