Park Maps

I think it would be great if CB had color maps of all the parks. Another great thing would be if CB had maps of coaster layouts, like blueprint or technical looking kinds of layout maps. 3D models of layout similar to that at
(I think).
ZEPPELIN RULES *** This post was edited by no1 on 6/14/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
And who will obtain all of these maps, scan them and obtain copyright clearance from the parks?

Webmaster/Admin -
You will Jeff, no just kidding. This is the best coaster site on the internet. The forum is really great too becuase it is very active, people use grammer, spelling, and other benifits of written
language. Plus, you and your side kicks keep the posts well moderated for vulgarity, irelevance,
useless debating, and stupidity, even though I have had a few closed posts myself. Also the fact that many Coasterbuzzers actually know what they are talking about when being in the forums makes it better. Keep up the excellent work.

ZEPPELIN RULES *** This post was edited by no1 on 6/14/2001. ***
Yeah, Jeff, that's a great idea. But another would be if we could send in are park stuff we have on are computers to a special e-mail address, then you and the other mods, (i think chitown and shivering tim?) could look through them and add them to the parks section.

Just my two cents.
Why do people always treat the internet like another form of commercial media. Is this site commercial? Mine isnt and thats why i dont need to get copyright permisson from the parks, because quite frankly its just freedom of information, if you dont get anything out of it, and your just making people aware of the parks, then there is nothing wrong with publishing park maps on your site.
Jeff's avatar
You are sadly mistaken my friend. You do have to get permission to use copyrighted material. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference if it's commercial or not. Whether or not you make money at it is irrelevant. You can't publish the works of other people on your site.

I've seen dozens of sites shut down over the years because people thought it was OK to use my photos. Those sites don't exist now, and there isn't an ISP in the world who wouldn't cooperate to shut them down.

People like you really piss me off when they think that because it's on the Internet they can use it as they please. You have no right to use other people's intellectual property for any reason. You didn't do the work.

Webmaster/Admin -
You said it perfectly Jeff. A sad misconception in the internet world is that, if you're not making a profit off it, that it's ok to use. Something someone makes is NOT freedom of 'information', it's copyrighted. Take a look at numero two.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:. *** This post was edited by BrandonR on 6/18/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
Very nice. That's a very good FAQ!

Webmaster/Admin -
Is taking photos of rides & posting them online legal? E.g. all the X construction photos and so on.
Jeff's avatar
That's a really fuzzy area, but generally speaking I don't think anyone is going to sue you for that. If something appears on private property that is not visible from a public location, I'm fairly certain that you need to get a property release if you intend to publish it for profit. Of course, I'm sure that varies by country.

Webmaster/Admin -

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