Onride video coming to PKD

I see your points 2Hostyl, Tekno, and Gonch, and will agree that you are right about all of it (yes I just said that you are right), but that doesn't change the fact that I am still uncomfortable with my face being the subject of a movie.

I know that my image is being recorded almost everywhere I go, like Target or the Toll Booth. I can accept that because of the issue of public safety and the possible prooving of a crime. I can't accept that my person is being "stalked" by many videocameras, one or more shooting directly onto my face, and all of the footage is edited and processed into a DVD of one of my most cherished and personal expierences for the reason that maybe i will want to buy a copy.

When my young friend JD and I did Ripcord in May at CP, they filmed it. I didn't find out that we were filmed until just before being hooked up to the wire. I was okay with being filmed because there was only one angle from one camera at ground level. (I was not okay with them trying to cram the expensive once-in-a-lifetime spiel down my throat and practically reaching for my wallet and pulling the money out so I would buy a copy, buit that's a different story.)

Maybe I can just be real nice and ask them to turn it off during my ride, and explain to them that being filmed makes me nervous and makes it harder for me to enjoy my ride. I am thinking that the answer would be a laugh and a stern "no".

I just put away the property damaging duct tape, and am now looking in the drawer for some of that wonderful static cling vinyl...

EDIT: Spelling of course. *** Edited 7/14/2005 12:33:19 AM UTC by dexter***

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