Ok how about a General Talk section

Hey, how about a General Talk section. My thread was just closed cause this site doesn't have General Talk section so I put it in the the Geberal Buzz section. Why not. Eveyother coastr site has one. So why not Coasterbuzz.
The Jokes on You!! Ha Ha Ha
Jeff's avatar
Exactly... every other site has one, which is why here at CoasterBuzz we don't. This is a site to talk about the amusement industry. If you're interested in something else, then go to those sites. Here we stay on topic.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

It would be nice to be able to discuss other things than coasters with members on coasterbuzz. It is difficult to discuss things elsewhere because we don't know usernames, etc. If this site will strictly stay to coasters...I have NitroExplodes as my name everywhere...

"We don't know why the innocent die. Will this world ever find a way to change? And we don't know why, but we know it's not right. We don't know why so many had to die. We don't know why so many had to die."
Goldfinger/Mest/Good Charlotte-The Innocent

I think there is an easy way to talk about things other than coasters with members from here. If the person wants to talk about other stuff, then they will put thier AIM SN in thier profile for everyone to see.

I absolutly hate off-topic forums... BTW, ThrillRide is evil (they are the reason I hate them...)

*music*It's the most commercialized time of the year!*music*

Jokercoaster, Jeff was nice enough to put a search feature in these forums.  If you use it, you'll find that this has been brought up many times before.  Many people here (myself included) will say what makes these forums so great is the lack of noise and off topic threads.  That kind of stuff has been the demise of some sites.
- Peabody
anyone ever wants to talk about coasters or just talk, feel free to contact me:

Email: CalvinJ23@msn.com
AIM: CalvinJ23
ICQ: 15444698

Closed topic.

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